Chapter 39 xx :)

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Chapter 39 xx :)

Kate's POV

"Mr. Horan, just give me a moment to talk to my daughter." Niall looked at me before he let go of my hand. He stepped back a little, too.

"Kate, are you really sure you want to be engaged to Michael?" he asked. "Because I think Horan should be the surname of my grandchildren." he smiled. My eyes widened. 

"W-What?" was all I could say.

"Kate, I've been putting Niall on a test. And you as well. Actually when he sang to you by the pool, your mom really loved it. She said she remembered me in Niall. She also asked me if I would ever sing to her again like I used to. I haven't sang to your mom in years. I admit I was kinda furious when Niall sang to your mom the day before I introduced Michael to you. And I realized... I was all wrong. All I wanted was for you to choose the man for you - the guy who would make you happy for the rest of your life, even if both of you are separated. And I guess Niall is that guy."

He turned towards Niall, and apologized to him. He explained everything to him as well. A smile slowly began appearing in Niall's face. 

"Niall, I'm sorry about everything I've said about you. I was wrong about them. You're a really great man, and you are perfect for Kate. I'm really happy you made my wife happy by singing what I should've sang to her, for making Kate happy all the time. Thank you for not giving up on my daughter, even if her dad gets in the way."

"Y-You're welcome?"

"Congratulations, Kate. You found your knight." Dad told me. "And Niall, take really good care of the king's little princess okay? My deal is yours." he smiled.

"But dad, what about Michael? Aren't I still to get married to him?"

"Oh, no. Michael have plans of his own. He is actually engaged to someone else. See?" he pointed to Michael, who had a beautfiul girl clinging to his arm. Oh wait, is that... Lexie?!

"Wait... Lexie!? I thought Lexie and Matt had-"

"Something going on between them? Of course, but that was before. Lexie and Michael had a better chemistry. If you're thinking about why Lexie didn't tell you anything, that's because Michael told her not to tell anybody. I'm really sorry, pumpkin. I think I've confused lots of people now."

"Oh you better be sorry, dad. My head is aching!" I smiled. We all laughed.

Niall and I walked over to Lexie and Michael. I had plans of congratulating them, too.

"So Michael and Lexie had something going on." I said.

"Kate! I-I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like!" Michael panicked. 

"It's okay, Michael.  I know. I know. Dad told me everything." Michael breathed and I just smiled.

"And looks like something's going on between you and Niall." Lexie slyly told me. 

"Of course there is. And it's something the world should know." I smiled. Michael was getting nervous. 

"What's wrong Michael?" I asked.

"Oh! Um..." he sighed. "Lexie, I know you might think we're too young for this but... I wanna be engaged to you. I want to live the rest of my life with you. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course I am, Michael. I'd love to grow old with you." The ysmiled at each other and kissed. 


"A lot has happened lately. All of you know that. My sister got married to a wonderful man. To my best bro, Jake, take care of my sister. A lot of you might also know that I am getting engaged to Michael Wilson, but that... isn't true. Actually, Michael is getting engaged to my bandmate, Lexie Lee! Please congratulate them with a big round of applause!" Everyone applauded. Lexie and Michael were both very happy.

"Kate, check Niall out." whispered Saoirse.

I looked at Niall, and Stacy was back at it. You know, like in Saoirse's party, she was flirting with Niall. Niall looked at me, and I gave him the look.

"Are you flirting with her?!" I mouthed.

"No! I'm not!" he mouthed the words back.

"Do you like her?!" Niall just shook his head.

"If Michael's getting engaged to Lexie, what about my little sister? Who do you like, Kate?" yelled Genevie, distracting me from talking with Niall.

"Um, just listen." I said. I gave Axcel the signal and the musci started playing.

And compared to all the great things

That would take too long to write

I probably should mention the 7 that I like


The 7 things I like about you!

Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's

When we kiss I'm hypnotized

You make me laugh, you make me cry

But I guess that's both I'll have to buy


Your hands in mine

When we're intertwined, everything's alright

I wanna be with the one I know

And the 7th thing I like most that you do

You make me love you, you do


 "I'm in love with Niall james Horan!" I yelled and the people started cheering. 

Everyone went wild and the REAL party started. It was exhausting playing lots of songs, but One Direction came to sing with us as well. After the party, Niall excused me for a while. We took a little walk to the beach, and that's when he spoke up.

"Um, Kate, since everything's completely clear now... let's get back to what I was supposed to ask you at the church." said Niall shyly.

"Okay. What is it?"


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