Chapter 31 xx :)

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Chapter 31 xx :)

Liam's POV

Everything is back to normal. Niall's back, the band's complete, and we're back to our usual activities. Like for instance, me cooking, Harry watching the telly, Louis or Zayn talking to their girlfriends on the phone, and Niall playing his guitar or eating. I just finished cooking, so I called the boys for lunch. 

"Lads! Lunch is ready!" I yelled from the dining room, and Niall was the first to appear. Typical.

"What's for lunch?" he asked.

"Steak. And lots more. Just sit down, Niall." Louis came in, and all three of us sat down. "Lou, did you call Zayn? Harry?" 

"I woke Harry up. He fell asleep on the couch. And Zayn's on his way." 

"Harry! Get in here. It's lunch already." I yelled.

"No, you guys get in here! You gotta see this."

We went to the living room to take a look at what Harry had for us. He pointed at the tv screen, and we were all confused.

"Isn't that Kate on the tv?" asked Louis.

"Yeah, but why is she with Grayson Chance?" I asked.

"Oh, you guys didn't know?" Harry said.

"Didn't know what?" We chorused.

"She's Grayson's girlfriend." 

"What?!" Niall shouted in Harry's face. "I'm sorry, buddy. What?" 

"It's been in the news lately that Grayson's been hooking up with a girl in FMN. And I guess that would be Kate."

"Then that's really bad news for Niall." 

"Shut up, Louis. That isn't Kate." 

"Yes it is. Just look at her! She looks exactly like Kate!"

"Whatever. Look, I gotta go. I'm going for a walk." Niall said, and left. 

"A walk? At noon?" We just looked at each other.

Niall's POV

Okay, I'm confused. Kate suddenly becomes Grayson's girlfriend? What happened to her just being single the other day?! I thought I had a chance with her? What happened to that? Now I gotta clear things out. And there's only one way I know for that to happen.

Settle everything with the boyfriend.


"Are you really hooking up with Kate?!" I said grabbing Grayson's shirt up by the collar.

"Niall! Dude! Let's talk this out, okay?"

"Just answer my question!"


"Sorry, buddy. I-It's just that I still love her, and I just don't wanna see her with somebody else right now. Even if we seperated over a year ago." I said, letting go of his collar. I calmed down and sat on a chair.

"It's okay, man. You'll get over it." he said, and sat next to me.

"You sure your girl isn't Kate?"

"Of course! Why?"

"Because I swear I've seen her somewhere before..."

"Hayley gets that a lot."

"Wait. What? Hayley is the name of your girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Hayley Mitchell."

And then it hit me. I suddenly recall where I did see her. In my dream. So there's a REAL Hayley Mitchell? Who looks exactly like the Hayley Mitchell in my dream?! That girl I fell in love with in my dreams? Is actually Grayson Chance's girlfriend? What? Okay, my head is aching.

"Woah. Dude, I think I saw your girlfriend in my dream. I mean, she was my girlfriend in my dream!"

"Haha! My friends tell me that too. Hayley's a really influential person. When you spend too much time with her she even reaches your dreams. She's always in mine."

"But she never spent time with me. Like EVER."

"Well that's odd."

"And you know what else is? How people think Hayley looks like Kate. I mean, really? Even at first glance?"

"Lots of people think she looks like Kate, but she isn't. Well, only a little. And I mean A LITTLE. Here. I'll show you."

Grayson took his phone, and showed me a picture of him and Hayley, and a picture of him and Kate. 

"Why do you have a picture of you with Kate?"

"What? Is it wrong to take a picture with her? I met her at Pasadena, too! It's not called a meet-and-greet for nothing. But anyway, look. At first glance you'll think she's Kate. They have the same height, hair color, and they're noses are almost alike. Their eyes are kind of identical, too. But when you look at Hayley a little longer you'll notice she doesn't look like Kate. They've got lots of differences, too. Like their attitude, and tattoos. But a lot of people think she's Kate when she's covering her arms." 

"And I don't think Kate has any tattoo yet, or if she's even planning on decorating her body like Harry does."

Grayson does have a point. And actually, I think I remember why I dreamt of Hayley. I was watching her tv show, and maybe her image just retained on my mind that she actually appeared on my dream. And maybe because her image retained in my mind and my dreams for too long, I even thought Kate was Hayley, because they actually have a lot in common. 

I went home after Grayson explained how Kate and Hayley were different and alike in some ways. I was just in time for dinner. Louis and Harry were seated already by the table, and Liam was giving them their plates. 

"Niall! You're back!" Harry said.

"Just in time." Liam said, giving me my plate.

"So, how was your 'walk'?" asked Louis slyly.

"Well, it was fine. I'm feeling better now."

I told them everything that happened to me. How Hayley wasn't Kate, and all those things Grasyon and I talked about. They were all confused with it. Then Zayn came in with a smile.

"Vas' happenin', lads?"

"Zayn! What's up with the smile?" 

"I just found something out."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"That Kate IS my bestfriend in 3rd grade."

"What? For real?"

"Yeah! I asked my mom about her. She said Kate used to live on the house right in front of ours before her family left for California. And I do remember a little girl with black hair playing with me when I was still a kid. And we used to play royalty before. She was always the princess, and I was her... servant." Now we're all confused.

"Then that's some good news. Isn't that great, Niall?"

"Yeah, you've told us about your dream, Niall! Kate really is that girl in your dreams."

"No. No. No. She isn't. Let's stop this Hayley-is-Kate concept. I've proven to myself that Hayley is a real person, and she isn't even fancying me. I'm done with that. And this time, I'm getting Kate back. This time, I won't tell myself she's Hayley. This time, it's real."

"And how sure are you that she'll let you take her back?"

"The treehouse told me." I smiled.

"Whatever. Let's just eat. I'm starving!" said Louis. 

Everything is clear now. Hayley and Kate are totally different. And I know it's Kate I fancy, and I'm taking her back. I'm serious. Really serious. I just hope she lets me.

Author's Note:

This chapter gave me headaches. Really, I even got caught up with the Hayley and Kate concept. I realized they didn't look the same. Which made my head hurt.

Anyway, thanks for reading! :)



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