Chapter 17 xx :)

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Chapter 17 xx :)

Noelle's POV

I know a lot of things already happened during our month-long tour in London, and that includes me inviting Dani, FMN meeting 1D, and the relationship and everything. And a few more are coming up, whic is May's birthday and the tour's end. It's almost a month now, and when I say month-long I mean it's only gonna last a moth. But set that aside, I still have to figure out what to do for May's birthday.

It was a normal day. I woke up, and went straight to the kitchen. I made my breakfast as I saw Saoirse and Lexie already watching the telly. May still hasn't woke up yet. 

"Noelle! You're awake!" Saoirse cheered.

"So, what are we doing for her birthday?" Lexie said, looking expectantly at me.

"Hey, what are you looking at me for?"

"Well, you're the one in the band who always have this crazy ideas for birthdays."

"What? No I'm not!"

"Oh really? Then what about that time when we knocked on May's door on her 16th birthday? She didn't know about that. It was a total surprise for her." Said Saoirse.

"And on her 17th birthday in school, we bought her a cake. Those ideas were yours, Noelle. So crack one up." Lexi said.

"Okay. To tell you the truth, I don't have anything in mind right now."

"What? But it's already her birthday!"

"I know! Just buy me some time okay? And make her feel like no one remembers herspecial day."

"Hey, she's up."

Saoirse and Lexie kept May busy. They told Acxel and the others about our plan, too. And while May's distracted, I saw this poster that gave me an idea of what we're doing for her birthday.

May's POV

Okay. Today is my 18th birthday and I'm really really excited. I wonder what the band have in their shelves for me. I just woke  up and I went to the den to see what's going to happen if I just appear in front of them.  I walked into the usual scene: the girls discussing things. 

"Hey, guys. Morning." I yawned.

"Mornin', May." They greeted.

"So... it's a really nice day for a celebration, huh?" I said. "Do you guys remember any... celebration?"

"Hmm. Nope. Doesn't ring a bell." Noelle said. My best friend doesn't remember it's my birthday. Great.

"Why? Is there anything to celebrate about?" Saoirse said.

"Oh, um... Nothing." I said. Did they forget? It's my birthday! How could they forget?!

"Oh, I gotta go now guys." said Noelle, and she took her phone and a bottle of water with her.

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"I'm meeting Niall at the park. We're jogging."

"Way to go, Niall!" Lexie cheered.

"See ya later." And Noelle left.

"So, how's it going with Harry?"

"Mm, it's fine. But I'm not in the mood for that now."

The day went on with me asking people if they remember any person's birthday. I was getting sad. REALLY sad. I sobbed on my bed, and Saoirse went in. 

"Hey, May. Why are you crying?"

"Why? Because none of you remember my birthday!"

"What? We? Not remember your birthday? That is nonesense!"

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