Chapter 6 xx :)

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Chapter 6 xx :)

Hayley's POV

It has been months since I got enrolled in uni. I know it's kinda fast.

 It's Friday and I just got home from uni. I was really exhausted from today, from all the school work. I could say I'm doing pretty well on it.

I turned on the tv in the living room and headed to the kitchen to get myself something to eat while I watch tv. I got ice cream from the fridge. I had plans to make myself an ice cream sandwich. I didn't even notice that I fell asleep on the couch.

"Hayley? You shouldn't be sleeping here. Go to your room." Gen said.

"Yeah. I know that." I muttered.

"How was school?"


"Oh. Okay. Go to your room now."

Gen didn't seem too happy these days. She was always stressed and problematic. Sometimes I just worry about her. She works too hard. I know I might be useless to her now, but when I finish school I swear I'm helping her. Especially now that I think there's a problem with the company.


It was Saturday, so I guess it's a day off from uni. I've already planned everything I'll be doing for the day: Sleep, Eat, Sleep. I'm feeling really lazy, and I don't want to do anything. If only I won't even move from my bed, I could've done it. But it was impossible since I had to do move around the house.

I was perfectly cozy on the couch again, watching chick flicks when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Charina. She says I have to go to school today. The honor boards were up. Why today?! Why on my rest day?

I took a quick shower and wore ( When I was completely ready, I went outside and hailed a cab. I'm really not in the mood for anything.

 I finally reached the university. Mai and Soairse were already waiting for me. So was Charina. We all went to the honor boards and looked for our names. 

"You found your name yet?" Saoirse asked.

"Nope. I just hope I make it." I replied nervously.

"Hayley!" Mai squeeled.

"What is it?" 

"I made it!" she happily said and hugged me tight.

"Well, that's really nice, Mai. Help me find my name."

We looked a little harder. We found Saoirse's name, but not mine. I got really down. This means Gen's gonna get mad at me. Then she'll drop me off to somewhere else or worse. She might give away all my rock albums! This is bad. Really bad. But I really can't find my name! My freakin' name!

"Hayley, are you crying?" Mai asked.

"What? N-no." I said, wiping off the tears.

"But you are! Your eyeliner's everywhere!" She added. 

"Don't worry, we'll find your name. Or maybe you just have to try harder." Saoirse said trying to make me feel better. 

Then Charina approached us.

"What happened? Hayley are you okay?" she asked.

"She can't find her name." Mai said.

have you checked the other board?" 

"What... other board?" I said.

She led us to a board near the dean's office. It was labeled 'Top Students', and I can't believe my name was there! Finally I can breathe! I quickly called my sister to tell her the good news and she was really happy for me. But I can tell she wasn't happy before I called her.

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