Chapter 26 xx :)

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Chapter 26 xx :)

Kate's POV

Today Forget Me Not is having an Interview and a Meet-and-Greet in Pasadena. (A/N: Lol. Did ya see that? Forget-Me-Not is a flower.. and Pasadena is.. Hahaha what? nvm.) First we'll be singing our original song, then we'll each pick out a song from a random artist. I mean, there's a bowl where we'll be picking pieces of paper with the artist and a song written on it. It's like what we always do. Our fans love that, and I don't know why. But I've gotten lots  of tweets about them wanting me to sing out lots of solos, and they think I should get more solos on our songs. 

First, the Interview in Hollywire. The host, Chelsea Briggs, called us in and the people started screaming in excitement. God, I love our fans. Chelsea welcomed us with hugs and all, and the fans screamed louder than ever. 

"Hi girls!" Chelsea greeted.

"Hi Chelsea!" we chorused.

"So, how have your careers been as the famous British-Californian Girl Group?"

"Uh, it's fine. We've been to different countries doing concerts lately, um... we've been in interviews, and a lot of them these past weeks. And we're so proud of our fans that keep supporting us."

"Oh, that's great! Do you guys have any new things going on?"

"Well, we are proud to say that we are working on our new album, Miss, and I think it's going to be release in Fall." said Saoirse.

"Mm, lovely! Girls, I heard there's also be a new music video coming up?"

"Yes, yes. We are also making our music video for Skip, and we'll be working with the same team we've made our music videos with, and we'll also be featuring One Direction." said May.

"Ooh! One Direction! When will you shoot for this?"

"Um, we'll be starting Monday next week."

"Great! Okay, so Kate, how's it going with your movie? I heard you're doing it with Justin? Would you like telling us about it?"

"Oh yeah. The movie is called Stealth. It's a typical story of a geeky school boy having a crush on a famous girl in school but she's already taken. But something's gonna happen between them, and... you guys just wait for the movie." I smiled.

"Could you tell us about your character?"

"Yeah. I'll be playing as Angie Clark, a pop singer going in the same school as the geek, Lance Martin. Angie is one of the main roles, and I'm really happy I'm working with the staff and Justin."

"Have you finished the movie yet?"

"Yes! I think it's also going out in theatres by Fall, or earlier. I'm really excited about it because I'm really a big fan of Justin and all... And he's really fun! I swear his fans are gonna love it, because as I said, he'll be playing as Lance so he'll be wearing glasses, his hair's back to his 15-year-old hairstyle. The movie is a love story and kind of a musical by the way, so he'll be singing, too. And I swear even when I watched it I get that warm feel in the chest. Lance is really sweet to Angie. Hope the fans love it like Justin and I do."

"Okay. Speaking of Justin, is there anything going on with you two?" Chelsea slyly asked.

"What?" I smiled.

"Because there have been reports saying the media spotted Kate Miles with Justin Bieber and they say he's been taking her to places. What about it?"

"Justin and I are really good friends. Really. Since Niall took me to Justin's concert in London, we've gotten really close. Yeah, we hang out a lot especially these past few days because of the movie." I answered. 

"So you're really close now?"

"Yeah. But I'll admit I do have a little crush on him."

"Really? What about Niall? Do you still call him? text him? Anything?" Chelsea asked. May, Saoirse and Lexie just looked at me, and I just smiled at Chelsea. I don't know what to say, and it's really hard to smile in a situation like this.

"Okay, okay. I understand. So in the mean time, Saoirse is still with your guitarist, Axcel. May is with Harry, and Lexie?"

"She's taken." Saoirse told Chelsea before Lexie could make her point.

"Wow! We'll get to that soon, Lexie. So, to the male FMN fans, I heard there's still one FMN member who's single, so you better make your moves. Are you up for any relationship yet, Kate?"

"Yeah. I'm not really choosy. I'd like to date a fan sometime." I smiled.

"There you go, guys. You heard her. Okay, that's it for now. Girls, thank you for that interview. Would you like to sing a song for us?"

"Okay." Lexie answered.

"Everybody, let's hear it from Forget-Me-Not!"

Thank God that interview was over. I still hear Chelsea's question for me. Really. I don't know what I'm gonna do now. Maybe I should talk to him sometime. Maybe. Okay, I promise I will.

Author's Note:

Okay, the next chapter was supposed to be part of chapter 26. But I figured it was too long. hahaha! 

I love the idea of Kate and Justin having a movie. Maybe because I;ve been listening to Justin's I Got Love, and more Carly Rae Jepsen. I don't know.

Anyway, thanks for reading. :)


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