Chapter 27 xx :)

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 Chapter 27 xx :)

Kate's POV

Meet-and-Greet. Great. Something better, I guess. I just need to cool down a bit.

Melissa and Julie get us ready for the event. Melissa puts our make-up and Julie gives us what to wear, well except for me because I don't wear make-up and I pick my own clothes. Even if I pick my own clothes, I follow Julie's instructions. We all wear something white and I've decided I'd wear what I want. And I'm 100 percent sure it is white. When we were all done the staff told us to 'go out there and meet your fans'. 

We were all shocked to see lots of people! There were girls, boys, children! I love this. They ask us lots of questions, take pictures with us and get our signatures. One of them even wanted Lexie to sign his head, but Lexie told him she doesn't sign on skin because she doesn't want her fans to develop skin diseases. Heh, her reasons.

We seperated in the room. I was really happy to see our very supportive fans that I got distracted and I didn't even notice where I was going. 

"Can I get your autograph?" the guy in front of me said.

"Well ofcourse you ca-" I said but I cut myself off. I looked at the guy, and a smile grew on my face. "Uncle Simon!"

"Hello, Kate."

"Uncle, what're you doing here?" I asked happily.

"Just checking in on what's happening. You've got a really good career going on. Lots of fans. How's your sister?"

"Oh she's fine. Really, she's doing a great job in the company, and of course she still have time on managing us."

"That's great. Tell your sister that she could always ask help from me."

"Yes, Uncle. Oh, come with me. I'll introduce you to the girls."

We walked over to the three girls still busy with the fans. I called them, and they were really happy to see Uncle Simon. Even the fans were shocked to see him there. And yeah, by Uncle Simon I mean Simon Cowell. My dad is his cousin.

Uncle Simon went off with the three girls to meet our fans. I was really happy to see him there, but I didn't think someone else I know would come. I watched the girls and Uncle. They're having so much fun. I just smiled, then a guy approached me.

"Hey, Noelle." the guy said. He had a familiar accent. I looked at him, and my heart skipped a beat. It was Niall. I know I said that maybe I should talk to him, but the fact that he forgot about me filled my head. I just ignored him. Besides, he called me Noelle, and I don't respond to that anymore.

"Noelle, can we talk?" he said, and I just walked away. He was following me. He followed me everywhere trying to get my attention. It's getting hard to ignore him. But then I see him on the corner of my eye. He stopped walking.

"You keep ignoring me, avoiding me, but you're wearing my shirt in public." I stopped. I looked down on the shirt I was wearing. Yeah, it is his. It's the shirt I found the other day, the shirt that's left hanging on my wardrobe. It's kinda big, but...

"Look, I'm sorry I never talked to you since... the 'cool off' thing. I-I've felt stupid. It's been months. Lots of things have changed, like your name suddenly changing into... Kate was it? It's kinda weird that I'm telling you this but..." He stopped. He walked over to me, and whispered. "...I missed you." 

I felt him walk away. I can't deny I still have feelings for him. I chased after him and hugged him behind his back. Or at least that's what I thought of doing. I realized there are lots of people with cameras, so if I make that move it's gonna be a big issue. But I promised myself I'm gonna talk to him, so...

"Fine. Let's play that game. I'm not talking to you. He said before the words escaped my mouth. I felt him walk away. It kinda hurts when he said that but I'm avoiding him, remember? I just have to keep this up a bit.

I peeked from the dressing room. I can still see him out there. I figured he was with Harry, and Uncle Simon brought them here. I don't know what to do now. Maybe I should tell Lexie about this? She would know the best to do.

Chelsea called all four of us to start the singing sessions. She was still the host for this session. We invited everyone to go by the stage. We each picked a song. May sang California Girls, Lexie's is Titanium, Saoirse sang Price Tag. Now it's my turn to pick.

"Carly Rae Jepsen.... Talk To Me?" I said nervously.

"Isn't that the Stealth Movie Soundtrack? You sang that with Carly, right?" asked Chelsea.

"Great! Go for it, Kate." Saoirse said. I looked at the people infront of me. Then I saw Niall, in the crowd, asking Harry something. I can't believer he's watching! But he's in a serious look.

"I suddenly felt like I can't do this." I whispered to Lexie.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because he's watching."

"Your uncle?"

"No. Blondie." Lexie looked for him, and whispered back.

"Well you gotta do this. The people are waiting. And by the looks of it, I think it's not a big deal to him. I mean, look at him! He's putting up an unimpressed look." I just looked at her and sighed. "Go."

I walked and positioned myself in the middle of the stage. Axcel started strumming, and the song started for real.

Every morning, as I go walking by

I feel you looking, that’s why I take my time

I can see what ‘cha wanna do to me

You can feel it something’s gonna break

Well I’m in if you’re in

Let’s make a big mistake

Just as I felt comfortable in the middle of the stage, Niall and Harry started leaving. That moment I want Niall to listen to me. I want him to hear me out. I looked at him from the stage and felt the song.

Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me

Can’t you see I’m burning up

When you look like that

And I’m looking right back

Why don’t you talk to me

Walk with me baby

He stopped and Harry did, too. We looked at each other. I smiled at him, and he did, too. But he left. At least he stopped for a while. But now everything feels so awkward. Everything between us. Let's just keep hoping for something better to happen.        

Author's Note:  

Okay, I thought it was long. Wrong thoughts. Hahaha! Anyway, I'll be uploading Chapter 28 later. just give me a few minutes. :)  


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