Chapter 33 xx :)

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Chapter 33 xx :)

Niall's POV

"Do you still love me, Kate?" I asked, but she just left me hanging.

Saoirse talked to her, and she went oup on stage. I just stood there to watch her, when this girl started flirting with me. I didn't really want to flirt with her. I tried telling her I don't want to talk right now, but she kept flirting with me. Then I saw Kate give me a pissed look, and mouthed a few words to her bandmates. Then she sang.

We're not lovers, but more than friends

Put our flame to every single word you ever said

No more crying, to get me through

I keep dancing 'til the morning with somebody new

Tonight I'm getting over you

She was looking at me most of the time, like she was talking to me. What did I do now? 

I told the girl, Stacy, that I had to leave because I still had something to do. I think she didn't want me to leave, but I did anyway. The song finished, and Kate went down the stage. I tried talking to her, following her wherever she went, but she ignored me. I don't think she's even listening. I asked her what was the big deal ignoring me, and this is what she answered.

"Because you told me you still have feelings for me then you flirt with some girl after that."

"No, no. Listen."

"Look, Niall. I don't give a damn even if you explain yourself to me, okay? Just give me a rest." she said, and walked away.

Zayn walked up to me and told me to come with him. The other lads were beside the stage, too. They were all waiting there for something. I asked them what was happening, and before any of them could answer, Saoirse already spoke.

"Okay, guys. I'm sure you love FMN, right? But we're not the only band to sing in the house. Please welcome, One Direction!" said Saoirse, and everyone, well mostly the girls, screamed.

The lads and I went up the stage and sang WMYB. The poeple went wild and wanted more. Now we've got no idea what to sing. Then it hit me. It's the perfect time to get Kate's attention. I ran to Josh, and he nodded when he heard me. The other lads were asking me what I told Josh, and I explained to them. Then they all stepped back, and let me sing it all out.

Her name is Noelle

I have a dream about her

She rings my bell

I got gym class in half an hour

Oh how she rocks

In Keds and tube socks

But she doesn't know who I am

And she doesn't give a damn about me

'Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me

I did the same thing she did a while ago. I looked at her the whole time. And now she's looking at me. The song finished, and the people were still wild. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message from Kate.

"Guestroom. Now."


I went to the guestroom to see Kate waiting for me. And she doesn't look happy. Oh come on! What did I do now?!

"What's the big idea singing that song?"

"I was trying to get your attention."

"Well you did! You were looking at me, Niall. You didn't have to sing that just so you could make me feel awkward."

"Then what's the big idea singing that song you sang earlier? THAT made me feel awkward, too! Okay, wait. This isn't what I came here for. You were ignoring me. I had to explain myself."

"You've got nothing to explain."

"Just listen to me. Even for 5 minutes. Okay?" 

She locked the door and sat down. I began explaining myself. She just has to hear me out.

"I'm not flirting with that girl you saw earlier. Maybe you thought I was flirting back, but I really wasn't. I'm not the kind of guy who tells a girl I love her then flirts with another girl. I'm not like that, Kate."

"I'm sorry..."

"Yeah. It's fine. But I'm serious about what I told you earlier, Kate. I still love you. And YOU... left me hanging. Why?"

"Because I didn't know you still felt that way. And to tell you the truth, I still love you too. Ever since you talked to me about your shirt, I was really happy. I was harsh with you back at the island because I thought you hate me. But you don't, so I was really happy to take care of you. I really missed you, Niall. But what do you want now?"

"I want to be us again. This time, for real. It's not gonna be like before, where I've put my career before you. This time I'm really gonna put you first."

"Niall, it's not that easy. Yes we still love each other, and I'm happy about that, but it isn't that easy to take a girl's heart back. Especially mine. Everything's happening way too fast."

"Then can we take it slow?"

"What do you mean?"

"We'll take it from the start. I'm gonna court you again! That'd take a lot of time."

"Fine. But promise me it's gonna be for real."

"I promise."

"Where do you get all this ideas, huh? The courting? The last time I've checked there's no courting that existed in Ireland."

"Of course there won't be any courting here. Because it's all from your country. And I'm gonna make sure you'll give me your sweet yes in no time." I said, and she just laughed.

"Oh really?" she said happily. "We'll see, Niall. We'll see."

Well. I wish myself luck. Hope my leprechaun magic works perfectly with Kate. I've got my last shot at her, and I don't want anything wrong to happen.

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