Chapter 12 xx :)

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Chapter 12 xx :)

Louis' POV

Tonight is the last time we'll be spending time together. We'll be leaving the place tomorrow morning, so I guess we should just let everything fun happen. Speaking of that, I wonder if Niall made his moves yet?

 We all gathered around a campfire by the beach. Niall brought his guitar along, and the girls brought marshmallows to roast. We planned to stay up all night singing songs and telling stories. 

"Okay! Nice job, Liam!" Saoirse said after Liam has done the dare she gave him.

"Let's pick another one!" Charina cheered.

"Okay. Here goes!" Saoirse put her hand inside the bottle and took a piece of paper. "Hayley!"


"Truth or dare, Hayley." 

"Um... Truth?"

"Truth! Guys, what do you want to know about Hayley?" 

"I have something, but I'm not sure if she's okay with it?" Charina said.

"No, it's fine. Go on, ask." Hayley said.

"Well, I was wondering... Don't be mad, okay?"


"W-What happened to you and Gino?"

Hayley froze when she heard Charina's question. Her eyes widened like she remembered everything. I wonder who this Gino person is?


"I'm sorry!"

"I gotta go for a sec..." Hayley said. She stood up and walked away for a while. Mai followed her.

"Who's Gino?" Liam asked.

"Gino is... her ex-boyfriend. He is her first boyfriend, too. They were really nice together."

"What happened to them? Why'd they broke up?"

"Because of me."

"What? What do you mean?"

"At first Gino really liked Hayley. But when she introduced me to him, he suddenly grew cold to his girlfriend. He started talking to me, and pretty soon he told me he likes me. I told him that I didn't want to hurt Hayley, so I rejected him. By that time he was also having problems with his band."

"Mute, right?"

"Yeah. And I guess everything was my fault. Mute's disbandment, Hayley and Gino's break-up..."

"Mute's disbandment? That's why they didn't perform at the BotB?"

"Yeah. I guess when I rejected Gino that morning, he went to settle everything with his band but they still haven't got along. So maybe he went drinking in the afternoon, and that's when Hayley showed up and asked him about the band. Mai told me that Gino got pissed and broke up with Hayley that afternoon. When we heard about it, I was really disappointed with myself. I didn't know what to do back then."

Saoirse finished telling us about Gino, and Mai and Hayley got back. 

"I'm sorry, Hayley." Charina said.

"It's alright. It's better if I get over it now. I'm not saying I still haven't gotten over it but I just don't wanna talk about it."

There was an awkward silence. I didn't want to get awkward moments between FMN and One Direction, so I just randomly said something I shouldn't have. I think it would make another awkward moment, and it did.

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