Chapter 23 xx :)

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Chapter 23 xx :)

Noelle's POV

Now that we're not hiding our relationship anymore, Niall and I, or rather, I am not afraid of showing people our affection slash feelings for each other. And yes, I knew Niall told the world. I saw just now on tv, and I quickly texted Niall. I can't believe he did that! I know he knows I don't want to get it publicized yet. But it's too late to complain or talk about it now. It's already there and it's happening.

What I'm saying is, it's easier now that people know we're together, but its harder because I'm back here in California and he's stuck in UK. But even so,we're trying our best to communicate our way put of this Lond Distance Relationship. Like for example, we call and talk to each other on the phone and in skype, and sometimes even in mail. Like the other day, he sent me this Zigzagoon plushie which was just too cute it's always been with me every night. 

Speaking of zigzagoon, he knew it was one of my favorite Pokemon. I played pokemon Emerald before, and I beat Harry with my lvl. 30 Zigzagoon. I never made it evolve, because it was just so cute! Harry told me, "How could a cute raccoon thingy beat me? I had six pokemon with me, and all you've used is that?! You're cheating with me!" I just laughed at him that time, and he asked for a rematch. He wouldn't know that I would be playing pokemon since I was a child, right? I memorized that game years ago.

Anyway, Niall and I have been trying our best to get in touch. It's been months, actually. And you know, I'm really missing him.

Today I dug through my luggage. Not that I haven't fixed everything since we arrived, but because I was going to return the bag deep into my closet. I just made sure there's nothing else in there. Then I saw something that isn't mine. It was a shirt - bigger than mine. Actually, I think it was Niall's. I don't know how it got there, but it's there! I didn't even bother washing it because it smells just like him. And I miss him so much, remember?

I took it to my room. i know it sounds a little creepy, but there's nothing wrong with wearing your boyfriend's shirt, right? Even if you're wearing only that, besides your underwear? What? it's almost night anyway! Obsessive? I don't know!

I sat on my bed, bored. My phone buzzed. It was Saoirse, and she was asking me if I wanted to go out with them tonight. I wasn't really into it, so I just grabbed my guitar. Niall taught me a lot before we left UK, so I guess thanks to him I can play better now. I  played a few songs, then I remembered Shontelle's song, T-Shirt. I didn't remember much of the chords but I played it nicely anyway. And I was really into it, because I can relate to it. In a way.

I changed quickly and hanged the shirt up on my closet door. I had no choice so I just went with the girls. I wonder if Niall misses me, too? I mean, I think he does, but how much?


We were having lots of fun, until May, Saoirse and I started getting busy tapping on our phones. Lexie suddenly sighed and complained.

"Will you guys stop it?"

"Stop what?" I asked.

"Tapping on your phones? Seriously, it's OUR night out, not you and your phones. Besides, who are youguys texting?"

"Axcel?" Saoirse said. Oh yeah, Axcel's her boyfriend, but she fangirls over Zayn a lot.

"I'm texting Harry." May said.

"Niall." I said.

"Great. Will you guys just... It's annoying." Lexie pouted.

"Why? You know, you'll never stop us. And as they say, if you can't beat them, join them." Saoirse joked.

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