Chapter 14 xx :)

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Chapter 14 xx :)

Zayn's POV

We're happy Niall finally woke up the other day. He's been sleeping all day, and we were worried about him the whole time. But when he woke up he's asking us about this girl named Hayley. He claims that we know her, and that she's my gradeschool bestfriend. But seriously, I don't remember her!

 While Niall was busy looking for "Hayley", I've also decided to think if I even have a bestfriend named Hayley in gradeschool. Because I really don't remember. So that is why I've decided to dig through my stuff at home to find my yearbook. I'm not really sure if I could go home this time, because we still have a concert going on. And since there is still a concert, I have made up my mind. I made my family send it to me here instead.

 The doorbell rang. After 3 days of waiting for the yearbook to come, it's finally here! I can't believe my family even found it! Not that I'm saying it was hard to find because of my room, it's just that I don't remember where I last put it. 

"It's here!" I yelled walking towards the door to get my package.

"What's here?" Niall asked.

"My gradeschool yearbook." I took the package wrapped in brown paper with the school's logo still on it. 

"Really? Lemme see!" Liam said.

"I wanna see how Zayn looked in his gradeschool days!" Louis said swiping the package from me.

"Hey! Give it back Louis." I said.

"Louis, give it back now. We all wanna see Zayn." Liam said and Louis handed back the yearbook. Niall's eyes were widened, but I don't know why. 

"I remember this. The yearbook. This happened before." Niall said.

"What are you talking about Niall? This is thefirst time Zayn's showing us his yearbook." Harry said.

"No! This happened before. He received his yearbook from the mail, we said the same lines we just said a while ago, and if I remember correctly, Zayn's going to ask us if we wanted to see Hayley's picture."

"Come on Niall. We already told you, we don't know her."  Louis said.

"But now I think I do." I said, and Niall just smiled. "That's why I wanted to see this yearbook. So I could be sure if I really had a bestfriend named Hayley."

I put the package on the table and the other boys crowded over the table. I unwrapped the package and the yearbook appearred before us. I flipped through it and stopped on our class pictures. My finger ran through the pictures of different faces, but we never saw any Hayley in there. Wait, we did, but was from a different grade.

"I'm pretty sure that isn't the Hayley we're looking for."

"Sorry, Niall. There really isn't any Hayley here."

"It's okay. I gave up anyway."

"Sorry, buddy."

"Yeah. At least you tried."


*the next day*

We're on our way to our concert today. I'm getting a little nervous and excited at the same time. Liam and Louis are getting excited too, because Eleanor and Danielle are coming. Perrie isn't, because she was also busy with the Little Mix girls. Dang, I miss her so much.

Once we got out of the car, the fans who saw us instantly screamed. We didn't want to be rude, so we just waved at them. We went backstage, and the stage manager told us to get ready. We were positioned to our places, and the concert started. We sang lots of our songs, like WMYB and GBY. We also sang a few covered songs. The screams were really loud, and we're happy about how supportive our fans were.

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