Chapter 9 xx :)

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Chapter 9 xx :)

Hayley's POV

It's semestral break, which means I have plenty of time to rest myself from all the projects everyone wants me to do. 

Finally, a time for myself to relax and play music. And Of course, when I say relax I meant to go to Gen's office to lay down and watch movies.

After 30 minutes of walking to the building and riding the elevator all the way up here, I have finally reached her office. 

I knocked like I always do, and when I came in I was shocked with what I was seeing. Somebody took over my seat infront of the tv! How dare that.. Oh, it's just Gen. Wait. GEN?!

"Gen? Wait, I can smell Jake. Did he come here again?" I said as I sniffed around. Gen saw me and ran up to me. She hugged me real tight.

"Hayley!" she cried.

"Why're you crying?"

"I can't believe he'll go that far! I really hate Jake!"

She continued to tell everything that happened. This time, I had enough. Jake's going waaaaayyy too far now. I'd understand if he'll just tease her about how good he looks and then it'll piss Gen off, but now he's going personal. Gen is still my sister and I love her. She's one of the strongest (not physically) women I know, and I can't let a guy like him break her down. And there's only one thing to do.

"Don't worry Gen. I'll take care of everything. Just stay here, okay? I'll be back."

I left the building. I headed for Jake's building and planned to march right into his office. But I got distracted bigtime. 

Why, you ask? Well, I'm a Directioner and I just happen to pass by the recording studio where One Direction's singing! 

This is what I regret about fangirling over pop bands! I get so distracted!

Wait, is that Zayn? He's in One Direction? Wait, I actually thought of my best friend as a hot guy before? No way!

Harry's POV

"Yeah. Come on, let's sing that, guys."

We're back to the recording, and the practice for next month's Battle of the Bands. We're totally focused. Especially me. Nothing can ever distract me now. Even if there's an incredibly hot girl standing by the door watching us. Nope.

 Okay. I can't focus. She's just too pretty to ignore.

"Harry, it's your line. Harry? Harry?" Louis said waving his hand on my face.

"Oh, sorry."

"Is there something wrong?" Liam asked.

"Oh, nothing. There's just this girl over there and she's... uh..." I said. I know it's unpolite to not look at the person you're talking to, but I just can't take my eyes off her.

"Hayley?" Zayn stood up and said. His eyes were wide open from amazement or something. Or maybe just because of disbelief?

"Oh my gosh, Zayn?!" The girl said, walking towards Zayn. They hugged each other. A very beautiful girl is hugging Zayn right now. Darn it! Wait, did he say Hayley?

"Did you just say Hayley?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. Oh, right. Guys, this is Hayley. Hayley, these are my bandmates Louis, Liam and-"

"Harry. Nice meeting you, Hayley." I stood up and reached for a handshake.

"You never told me you're from One Direction, Zayn."

"Oh yeah.. Sorry about that."

And eventually, Hayley and I kept talking to each other. You know, to "get to know my bandmate's bestfriend back at gradeschool". Then Niall came in.

"Hey guys, Jake said... oh my god!" He stood there looking at Hayley. Actually, they just looked at each other.


"Niall!! Can't you believe it? She's Hayley!"

"You're... Hayley?" 

Niall's POV

"You're... Hayley?"

"You're... Niall?"

"Oh yeah, Hayley, this is my other band mate, Niall."

I can't believe it's really her. And she's Zayn's gradeschool best friend! Why does this day keep getting better?! I love it!

"It's realllyyyy nice to FINALLY... meet you, Hayley."

"Yeah, you too."

"Where'd you run off to after the battle?"

"Let's just say my manager's really strict with me."

"Told you." Liam said.

"So you know each other?" Louis asked.

"Well, yeah! She's the girl who helped me out at that rock concert."


"Yeah. He was getting pale so I thought he wasn't feeling good."

"Thank you, Hayley! God, I was worried about Niall. He's claustrophobic, you know?" Zayn said.

So we finally met, and we talked to each other a lot from that moment. I didn't want to waste the perfect time. Then the door opened, and Jake came in.

"Hayley! What're you doing here?" he asked.

"Jake! Hi!" she went up to him and hugged him. What does this mean? "Wait... Jake! How could you be so mean?! You made Gen cry! You big meanie!" she added. She punched him a lot of times, but Jake didn't seem to get hurt at all. Instead, he just hugged her and kissed her forehead. Are they dating?! Please say they aren't!

"So I guess you guys already met Hayley?" Jake asked.


"Hey, Jake. I just wanna ask this."

"Oh. Zayn, if you're gonna ask what's my relationship with her, then I have the answer to that. Hayley is..." He paused to look at her. My sweat is literally dropping down my forehead. What's he gonna say?

"... my best 'bro'." He smiled then they bro-fisted.

"Bro? But she's a girl?" I asked.

"I know she is, but she's so hardcore."

"Hardcore? What do you mean?"

"You'll know it once you get to know her better." 

Author's Note:

Yay! 70+ reads! and a vote! :D

Oh yeah, this might be short... but whatever. I love it anyway :)

Thanks for reading :)


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