Chapter 24 xx :)

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Chapter 24 xx :)

Niall's POV

"Wakey wakey, buddy!"

"Huh? What? L-Louis?"

"Morning, buddy."

"What's the idea? I'm still sleeping. I'm..."

"Going back to bed? No you aren't. Do you know what time it is? It's almost time for your flight! I thought this was the day you've been waiting for? Now get up or you'll miss it."

Louis is right. This IS the day I've been waiting for. Because today I'm going to see her. I'm going to California. Okay, Niall, get up.

Louis stood up and left the room. I looked at the clock and saw that it's 5 in the morning. Wait, what?! My flight is not until 8! Maybe, Louis is just pulling pranks on me but there's no time for paybacks now. I still haven't packed up and I don't want to arrive empty handed. I gotta get her something.


The airport. I'm standing at the same spot I've last kissed her. I look back at the lads to give them my goodbyes. 

"Hey, Harry. You sure you don't wanna come?"

"Absolutely." He smiled. Tch, he's trying to keep it cool. 

"Suit yourself. Bye lads."

"Hey Niall!"


"Just say hi to May for me. Don't forget, okay?"

"Yeah. I won't."

*days later*

Lexie's POV

It has just been a few days since Noelle and Niall reunited, and today they're at it again. Fighting. Actually, it started with a little arguement about who gets the pizza that's left in the box, until Noelle gave up and Niall reached out to get the pizza. But he saw something under the table, and got jealous over something he wasn't supposed to. What is it? It's just Garett's jacket that's been left there since he and Noelle broke up, which was before we had that month-long tour in London. Noelle has completely forgotten it was there, because she got over him already. But seriously, there's no reason for Niall to get so furious about it.

Anyway, they've been fighting too long that it's gotten really intense. Niall asks about the jacket and gets mad about everything while Noelle was too confused what to say that she blurted everything about the gossip the other day. I knew she wasn't ignoring it. 

"Why are you even making this such a big deal?!"

"Because it's his jacket! I thought you've gotten over him?"

"Why? You don't trust me?"

"I do but.."

"But what? You're getting mad on something I've already gotten over."

At least they stopped the pandemonium in here. Well, for a few seconds, that is.Noelle sat on the couch, closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Then she spoke up.

"I heard someone has a little crush on you and that you are 'slightly dating'." she said softly.

"Oh you mean Demi? No we aren't. Trust me."

"I do, but I just need to ask you. Do you like her? I mean, like-like her?"

"Honestly, yes. I do." Niall responded. Noelle just nodded and looked down.

"You know, Niall? I knew this won't work. The Long Distance Relationship? It just don't work."

"It's stressing me out, Noelle. It's tiring." Niall said. 

"Then what do you want to happen now?" she asked softly.

"Let's cool off, okay? I just need some time to think now." he said softly. He kissed her forehead and left the flat.

Noelle sat there. She sniffed and that's when I knew she was crying. I was just watching them by the door. I walked to her and comforted her like I should.

"Lexie, I've never cried so much like this."

"I know. You never cry about things like this. You really love him, do you?" she just nodded. "Noelle, you are so metal, but you still have a fragile heart." She smiled and sniffed and stared at nothing but the open space. 

"I don't think I wanna be called Noelle anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because it sounds like Niall, and it just makes me wanna give myself a high five. In the face. With a chair. Full of spikes. 50 times. I don't wanna be hardcore anymore, pretending everything's okay when it's not. Why is it like that?"

"Because a princess can never be her own knight." she just sighed. 

"Lexie, I'm sure this 'cool off' is another word for 'break up'. I'd like to change now."

"I think And I know just what to call you, princess."






Author's Note:

I think this chapter's kinda confusing, so I'll explain a few things.

1. I know Niall isn't that kind of person. And actually, I like Demi for him. I just wanted to give a little twist to this fanfic. And this IS a FANFIC, remember? So this will nevah happen.

2. Noelle will be called Kate from Chapter 25 onwards. It is part of her name anyway, and I'm sorry in advance if it will confuse you. Just keep this in mind.

3. I seriously don't know what to write now, and everything is really mixing up. It's not going where it's supposed to be.

Anyway, I think that's all I have to explain for now. If you have any other questions, just comment. And speaking of, comment/vote please. Thanks :)


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