Chapter 38 xx :)

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Chapter 38 xx :)

Katherine's POV

I enter the school and headed for the lockers. I still ahd to bring my books, which kinda sucks. I was still unlocking my locker when Chelsea, my bestfriend, suddenly popped up behind me. 

"Hi, Kate!" 

"Chels! Oh, stop doing that! You're giving me a heart attack." I said with my hand on my chest.

"Looking like you doooo!" she sang. She's a Directioner, too.

"What is it Chelsea?"

"Well, I have some news for you. Which do you want to go first? The good news or the bad news?"

"Um, the bad news?"

"Bad news is that Jenny is still out of fashion. We gotta help her out." And I forgot to tell you guys. Chelsea and I are fashion bloggers. We help people with their fashion, and both of us have the dream to be fashion designers some day.

"Oh. What's the good news?"

"The good news has two kinds: the better and the best. The better news is that today's the last day of classes, which means we can have our summer vacation early."

"Oh yeah. Summer vacation. I'm guessing my summer's gonna suck again like last year. You know, staying at home doing nothing."

"And that's where the best news comes in, Kate. Best news: I overheard my mom while she was on the phone. She said something about spending summer overseas, and I think she was talking with your mom.  And if I'm correct, they already had a deal that both our families are going somewhere for summer vacation."

"Then that's really great! I won't be sitting around at home doing nothing! And if what you overheard was correct, we could check out overseas fashion together!" 

Chelsea and I squeeled together in excitement. Finally our summer could be more exciting than... anything? Anyway, the bell rang and we had to hurry to class. We managed to have fun on the last day of classes, too. 


I finally got home. I was tired, so all I did was to walk straight up to my room and change my clothes. I was still thinking if Chelsea overheard things right. Mom called me to dinner, and everyone knows that dinner is the conference time of the day for the family. I admit I was quiet the whole time we were eating, until my mom finally spoke up.

"Okay. Girls, I have been thinking if..." she said, but I cut her off.

"If we could go overseas to spend the summer?"

"How did you know?" Mum asked.

"Lucky guess?" I said. Mom just sighed but she smiled.

"I talked to Mrs. Evans, and she said she wanted to go to Bradford. I thought maybe we could come with them so you girls could spend time with your grandparents. And I guess Chelsea told you that, Kate." I just nodded. She chuckled, and my sister just continued eating. "So, how about it?"

"I'm glad you asked, Mum. Chelsea and I would love to spend our summer back at our hometown. I really miss granny and grandpa, too. Plus, I've always wondered how Bradford looked like. I mean, I was still young back then. I'd love to spend summer in Bradford."

"That's great! How about you, Gaile?"

"I won't be doing anything here, so, why not?" Abygaile answered. She was right, she had no other choice anyway.

"Then it's settled! I'll tell Mrs. Evans about this right away. Thank you, girls!" 

*the next day*

 I figured that I already had lots of reads for my fanfic, so I decided to continue it anyway. I know this is gonna suck, but I had to finish it. I don't want to be a cliff hanger to my readers, you know? So here goes.

Kate's POV

Michael and I finally arrived at the reception. Everyone was already having fun. The guests were all seated and they all wore smiles on their faces. My dad seemed happy to see Michael escorting me to my seat. I can see him look over to the other tables to find Niall, but he and Louis still wasn't there. I wonder what happened?

It was already dark, and most of the guests went home. Some guests were still dancing to a romantic song, and everyone cheered when Jake asked for a dance with Gen. Gen took his hand happily, and Jake escorted her to the dance floor. genevie also figured out Jake would take her to places all over the world soon, so she asked to dance with Dad one more time. And obviously, they dance to Luther Vandross' Dance With My Father.

I was busy watching Gen and Dad that I didn't notice Niall arrived minutes ago. He would always be just a few steps away from me, because dad was always looking and Michael would always introduce me to people. I'll admit I do like Michael a little, but I guess my heart still belongs to Niall afterall. When Michael left for a few minutes and Dad was busy dancing with Gen, Niall took the opportunity to finish what he has started a while ago.

"Hey, Princess. You left me hanging again."

"Sorry, Niall. What was it that you wanted to tell me again?"

"Oh yeah. That. Um, remember the other day? When I talked to your dad?"

"Yeah? What about it?" 

But everything stopped from there. Dad approached us, and that's when he started separating me from Niall again. Or rather the other way around.

"Didn't we make a deal, Mr. Horan? I thought it was all clear to you?"

"Sir, you told me before that deals have always been a part of a business. And sometimes, people have to take risks that make or break the deal. Kate told me before that I should never waste the chances I would get, and she told me I still have a chance with her. But the deal is still there. The deal isn't what we agreed upon, sir. The deal is your trust on me. So if I really want to make your daughter mine, I have to take the risk even if it breaks the deal. Even if it breaks your trust. So forgive me if I'm breaking the deal." Niall told Dad with a serious look on his face.

Niall held my hand tighlty. Dad just looked at him. He was kind of furious, but then he sighed and calmed down. He closed his eyes, and began to speak.

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