Chapter 28 xx :)

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Chapter 28 xx :)

Kate's POV

Okay, when I hoped for something better I didn't say I wanted something like this to happen. The fact that we've been shipwrecked is bad, and getting stuck on an unknown island with someone is worse. But what's the worst? I'm stuck with Niall! 

Why I am with him I do not know of but here's what I remember:

FMN boarded a ship to Hawaii. We'll be shooting some scenes in the Hawaii for the music video, so there's some reason for me to know how I could possibly be drifted somewhere. Niall told me he boarded the same ship with the lads, so there's some chance that the Lexie and the others are with the boys. But my primary concern now is to stay alive, because seriously I don't know where we are. 

Niall was still sleeping on the shore so I decided to take a little walk. There's this forestafter the shore, and I found a few helpful stuff. I was starting to worry about Niall. I walked back to him and woke him up. He was still breathing, which is... I don't know... a good thing? But he woke up anyway. No need to worry. 

Anyway, back to the stuff I found earlier. I found a bag of clothes and some tools we can use. Lucky, huh? But being stuck in an island with a really adorable guy from One Direction isn't my idea of luck at all. 

I still have Niall tagging along with me. I'm not saying he's useless, just that he's too innocent to do things I'm planning to do  now. Like to build something to live in. Oh, and did I mention we're not talking to each other after he told me why he was on the same ship? It's actually an awkward tag-along-or-your-on-your-own situation.

"Okay, Niall. Talk to me. I can't handle staying quiet. I can, but not now." I blurted. "We're the only people in this island and we're not even talking to each other. " Seriously, I'm gonna die if I stay quiet for another 5 minutes.

"Finally!" he said. "I thought I'd never talk again."

"But here's the deal: we can talk, but only for the whole time we'll be stuck in here. Get it?" I said. Was I too rough?

"Yeah." he said nodding. I turned around and looked for something we could use to build houses. "Hey what are you doing?"

"Trying to look for materials so we could build a treehouse? You don't know what could come out from the forest and attack you at night, you know. Especially when you're down here, when they can really reach you."

And I think I was really rough there. The whole day passed and we managed to live. And did I tell you I was wearing heels? Yes. I was. And I had to take them off. We didn't sleep until we finished the treehouse. I gotta admit, studying architecture and how to build houses in a really young age paid off. Thank you, Genevie. But our treehouse is really simple though.


We lived up to day 4. We're very far away from the house. It was kinda annoying how Niall complained about this frog he saw a while ago that almost poisoned him.

"But did you see that?! It almost killed me! How could that small frog poison me?! It's too cute to be-" he said but I cut him off.

"Niall, if you don't lower your voice I'm going to shove that frog into your mouth for good! Look, I didn't mean to yell at you, but please be a little quieter? We have to get back to the tree before anything happens to any of us." I said.

"O-Okay." he began talking less. 

We walked and walked and... wait, we passed that rock thrice! I can't believe we're lost. Great.

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