Chapter 30 xx :)

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Chapter 30 xx :)

Niall's POV

After noon of day 6 of our stranded-in-an-island life. It's almost a week and nobody still found us. Seriously, am I going to stay here for the rest of my life?! Well, I could use some rest from being in One Direction but this isn't really my idea of a rest. 

Kate is supposed to be in the treehouse. Well I am, too. But she's isn't there, so I decided to go look for her. I've been going through the forest for ours, and when I got back to the shore I saw her there, sitting and looking at the sea. 

"Since when have you been sitting there?" I asked.

"Hours ago."

"What?! You were supposed to be in the treehouse hours ago!"

"Well you are, too. You're sick, remember? You should be staying in bed."

"But I can't. It's too boring to just lie down alone. There's not even a pretty face in there to look at." I said. She just laughed and continued looking at the big sea in front of her.

"Why didn't you go to the airport, Niall?" she asked, still staring at the open water. 

"I was busy." 

"Heh. Yeah, right. Whatever."

"Look, Kate. I'm really sorry, okay? I was just busy. I swear."

"Busy? With what? Ignoring my calls and messages? For months?! Then you'll ask me why I've been ignoring you? Tch."

"I went to the airport. I read your message and went to the airport. But I guess it was too late when I arrived. I asked the airport staffs about your flight, and I figured your plane already took off minutes before I arrived. I hated myself for that. It was a total duck move that I put my career first before my girlfriend."

"It's fine if you prioritize your career, Niall. But you should've told me you would be minutes late. I waited 7 hours just so I could fix us. I thought of waiting for 8 hours, but I couldn't let the plane go without me. I still have my own band waiting in California. But that doesn't matter now. It's been over a year ago."

There was an awkward silence. Until Kate stood up to take a better view of something. Then she began killing my eardrums.

"Boat. Boat! Boat!"

"Hey, stop yelling!"

"But there's a boat!"

"It's not even going this way!"

"Unless we MAKE IT go this way. Wait here." she ran back to the tree house to get something. And she returned with a torch, a knife and her shoes.

"Here, hold the torch."

"What're you doing?"

"Calling a boat? What else?"

"But your heels, a knife and a torch won't do anything."

"Apparently, they will. The heels of my shoes are rubber, and if we burn it, it's gonna make smoke. If the people in the boat sees the smoke, they'll know there's something up in this island. The smoke will harm the environment, but we'll get out of here. Now I'll just cut them off, burn it in the torch, and voila. We're saved."

"Smart move, princess."

"Thank you, frog."



That's the reason why I like her a lot. She's smart, she's funny, she takes care of me. Darn it. I hate you, Niall. Why'd you let Kate go, anyway?

We yelled and called for the boat as much as we can. And a miracle happened. The boat headed for our way. And what did you know, it was the lads and the girls! We were so happy to see each other. Lexie was the first to run and hug Kate. She really missed her. The lads hugged me, too. Everyone was glad we were safe... and alive!



"Oh, thank God you're alright."

"I missed you."

"We missed you, Kate. We've been looking for you, 6 days straight. We're happy you're with Niall. Wait, nothing happened between you two, right?"


"Alright, alright. Hey lads, you alright now?"

"Niall's here so we're ready to go." said Liam.

"Good. Bryan, take us home."

"Wait. I still have to say goodbye to the treehouse." said Kate. "I'll be right back." She said and ran back to the tree.



I followed her because I... wanted to make sure the tree was... happy. Okay. Fine. I was worried, okay?

I finally caught up to her in the tree. She looked around and took a few stuff with her. 

"I'm gonna miss this place, Niall. There's a lot of fun that happened here."

"Yeah, I know. I'd miss it, too."

She just giggled and carved something on the wall. It was a stick figure of a girl, and a letter K was written above the girl's head.

"Here. Draw yourself." she smiled as she handed the knife to me. "We promised that we'd only talk while we're stuck in the island, so I'm gonna miss this. Especially you, Niall." My eyes widened. "I wanted a part of me to stay here. I drew a little Kate, and I figured you should draw a little Niall so the island will remember us, too."

"Okay." I smiled and drew a little Niall beside the little Kate. I also drew the treehouse and the boar we caught together. And lastly, I drew a heart and a letter N beside the K she wrote. 

"Hey!" she hit my arm playfully.

"Please?" I pleaded. She just smiled.

Before we left, she whispered something to the little Niall on the wall, and kissed him. Unfair! Howcome the little Niall gets a kiss from her! She stood up and I looked at her.

"That's so unfair. What about little Kate?"

"She can get kisses from little Niall."

"No. She has to get a kiss from me, because you gave little Niall a kiss."

"Oh come on, Niall!" she said and I kissed the little Kate. She just shook her head, smiling.

"What is taking you two so long up there?!" yelled Louis from down the treehouse. "Get down here right now, you two!"

"Coming Lou!" Kate and I yelled, and we boarded the boat back home.

And you know, Kate ignored me again, but I tried talking to her and she talked back, and we were back to our quarrels. The others just laughed at us, and they all said they missed the old Kate and Niall.

I missed that, too. The old Kate and Niall.

The old us.

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