Chapter 19 xx :)

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Chapter 19

Niall's POV

Noelle finally recovered and today she's being released from the hospital. Her sister didn't take her though. She still stayed a little while in London with the other FMN girls. I wonder why?

Speaking of her sister, Genevie bumped to me a while ago. We ralked for a while, too, and it's a surprise she isn't rude to me anymore. TO ME.

"Why didn't you take her home? I thought you-" I said but she cut me off.

"I figured she'll be fine with you around."

"Oh. So... you want to talk about something?"

"Yeah. Um, I heard Justin Bieber's in town."


"Woah, Belieber Alert. Hahaha! Yeah, he is. And I'm guessing you're a really big fan?"

"You bet!"

"Great. You're just like Noelle."


"Oh, didn't she tell you?"

"She keeps a lot from me."

"Well I'll tell you then. Other than metal rock bands, there's one pop singer she would love to listen to her whole life, and that Justin Bieber. She's a total Belieber, and she goes weird when she hears Justin, or anything related to him. Her room used to be purple, and filled with his posters."

"I never knew that?"

"Well now you do. I was planning to take her to his concert, but I figured you could take her there instead. So, here. They're backstage passes to JB's concert."

"Woah. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. But make sure she'll have a good time okay, soldier?"


"Good. I gotta go now. Bye!"



The day of the concert. I went over to the FMN tour bus, and I wasn't surprised how Noelle looked. She looked so tired and dark as always. 

"Hey, Noelle!"

"Hey, Niall..." she replied, but she was really down.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss Freyja. Like, a lot."

I figured that maybe if Genevie didn't think Noelle will be fine with me, she might've taken her home and Noelle won't be THIS down. She's so sad. I'm feeling bad for myself. Darn it!

"Oh. Sorry about that." was all I could say.

"Yeah." she said, then she began to stare outside.

"So... I heard you were a Belieber?" I said, and I took out the passes.

"Yes I... Where'd you get those?!" she said.

"You sister gave them to me. She wanted me to take you there, since I'm also a Bieber fan."

"You are?! Oh my gosh. Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Nevermind. SO, you wanna come or not?"

"Of course I do! Just wait a few minutes." she said.

She ran way deeper inside the tour bus to take a shower. I waited patiently in the den, and after a few minutes she finally came out. She looked so pretty wearing ( She got me staring again. Speechless.

"Uh, Niall? Are we going or not?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Come on. We got a concert to go to."


We arrived at the place of the concert and we had our passes ready. The guard recognized me. He knew he saw me before, and that I'm Justin's friend. We got inside no sweat. Ha! 

We went through the backstage door and waited for Justin there. The concert ended and he finally arrived backstage. Noelle acted cool while Justin and I greet each other. But I know she's fangirling inside.

"Niall! I know I'd see ya!"


"Who's this?"

"Oh, she's.. uh... Noelle." I don't know how to introduce her. Really.

"Hi, Noelle. I'm Justin. I've heard about you and your band. You know, you're actually really pretty in personal." Justin said, and believe me. She blushed.

"Thanks. I'm really happy to meet you."

"You're Genevie's sister, right?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"She told me a lot about you the other day. So you're a Belieber?"

They talked most of the time, and it feels like I was really left out. I'm actually getting jealous. I can't believe it. But seeing Noelle so happy feels so good. I think I'm fine with that. Even if the girl I love ends up with my idol. It's fine. I guess? But that ain't happening, now is it?

"You wanna meet tomorrow?" said Justin.

"Really?" Noelle asked happily. 

"Yeah. I'd love to spend time with you. Is it okay?"

"Sure! I'd love that."

Wait, did he just ask her out? Did Justin ask Noelle out?! And did she just say yes?! Come on! Don't do this to me, you guys! It's killing me!

Author's Note:

Hello :)

So, I'm sorry if this one's short. Or is it? I don't know, really. Hahaha! Anyway, vote/comment please. And thanks for reading. Oh, and I think this fanfic is reaching 50 chapters. I THINK. 

Poor Niall. Hehe c:

Ok bye for now! :)


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