Chapter 40 xx :)

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Chapter 40 xx :)

Kate's POV 

"Kate, I've noticed this has been trending nowadays so... can we get engaged as well?" Niall said, blushing. He took out a little box that set my heart racing.

"We can, but I don't wanna get engaged right now, I'm not really in the mood for that. I mean, if we get engaged now, we might have to marry each other after a bunch of years and then I have to wait that long. And I hate waiting." Niall had a sad look on his face. "But sure. I'd love to wait that long for you."


*many years later*

"If the bride isn't coming, then the wedding shall be cancelled." 

"But you can't cancel the wedding! It's a really important day for my girlfriend!"

"But time is running. I still have other places to preach on."

"Kate, where are you?"

Is it just me or am I just not good with luck? The wedding wouldn't start without the bride right? So maybe that's kind of a good thing?




Or not.

"The bride is here! She has arrived!"

"Then let the wedding begin."

Each one of the people who walked before me walked down the aisle perfectly. But I didn't. Great. Why must this happen today? Why on all days?! Why must the gown tear up, like, a really big tear?! 

Everyone paused. No one moved a muscle. It was super embarassing, but I had to think of a way. Everyone was watching. NIALL was watching. He was already standing by the altar, and he's looking at me. Wait, is he laughing at me or what? 

The tear on the gown was really big, but I must not let that ruin everything. And as they say, the show must go on right?

Niall's POV

Kate had just arrived. I do not know why, but is she really THAT unlucky? Like, come on. Tearing her gown? And it's a really big one. It starts from a little above her knee and down to the end of the gown. 

Everyone paused and stared at Kate. No one dared to laughe or anything. Kate froze for a bit, but she had to do something. She's really embarassed, but that won't stop her. She tore the whole bottom of the gown as well, exposing her... legs... It was now an above-the-knee gown, or rather, a wedding dress. She continued to walk and everyone unfroze. She's so hardcore.

The ceremony started. Good thing she and the bride came in time. 

Oh, you thought it was Kate and I's wedding? Of course it isn't. 

"I Michael Wilson, take you Lexie Angela Lee, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'til death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

"And I, Lexie Angela Lee, take you Michael Wilson, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

Michael and Lexie finally got married and everyone was happy. We all headed to the next reception, where Kate had to sing a song for them like she did at her sister's wedding. 

Puttin’ my defences up

‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I’d have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line

Never said yes to the right guy

Never had trouble getting what I want

But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough

It may not be our wedding, but soon it will be. She did tell me she'd love to wait a really long time so we could get married in the right age. And come to think of it, I've waited for her for a really long time now.

I've waited for her all the time. We were confused, we were happy, we were mad. I wonder why I never left her? Why I always stayed?

Maybe you'll think it's because she's pretty? She's hardcore? She's talented? She's nice? She's a princess?

But I think not. And I knowit's not because...




She's my hardcore princess.


I have finally finished it! I finally finished making my fanfiction! Katherine, I am so proud of you! And just in time for leaving the house. We are on our way to the airport. And I'm thinking maybe I should stop writing fanfictions? I know! I'll write about MY love life. Now that's kida challenging... because I have no lovelife! But maybe I'll find it in Bradford? I don't know. Who knows, right? We'll see, Katherine.



We'll see.

Author's note:

It's finished guys! SMHP is finished! But if you want to know about Katherine's lovelife (which I know will be fun), go read the next fanfiction I'm gonna make! It's going to be out by tomorrow or on Friday, btw. And I promise it won't be as bad as this one. But I regret nothing, because SMHP is the FIRST FAN FICTION I HAVE WRITTEN. So, clearly, sorry for that.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I love you voters and readers. See you next time! :))


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