Chapter 32 xx :)

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Chapter 32 xx :)

Kate's POV

What do you do when you're still having a really good dream, and then your bandmate just wakes you up with a loud yelling and squeeling and all? Wouldn't you get a little annoyed? Because that happened to me just a while ago.

"Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate! Kaaaate!!!" Saoirse cheered on my face.

"What?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!!"

"What's the big idea waking me up this early?"

"But you promised we'll fly back to Ireland to celebrate my birthday with my family?"

"Yeah, I did. But it's still too early!"

"Well it should be! The flight from San Francisco to Dublin is about 10 hours. If we don't leave before 8 we're gonna arrive really late at night and my parents won't like that." She pouted, and I just sighed deeply.

"Okay, okay. Just for your birthday tomorrow, Sao."

"Thank you, Kate! You're a really good friend!! Okay, I'm gonna get ready now! Still have to wake the otehr girls!" she said and ran out my room.

Now why did I made that promise again?

Oh yeah. I remember.


"Hey, Saoie! What's wrong?" I said, sitting next to Saoirse on the couch.

"Axcel and I are on a fight. I tried explaining to him, but he doesn't seem to understand."

"Aww, cheer up Sao. Just try talking to him again. He'll listen to you. I know Axcel. And like, hello? We're talking about you here, too! I'm sure he'll understand."

"You really think so?"

"Trust me."

"Well, I don't know... I've got a lot of worries right now, and I miss my family. My birthday's coming up and we're on a fight. My special day's gonna be a disaster!" she frowned.

"No it isn't! You know what? Why don't we celebrate your birthday back at your house in Ireland?"

"That'd be great! But... what about Axcel?"

"Just leave everything to me."


"I promise."

*flashback ends*

Okay. What kind of trouble did I put myself into now? I still have an arguement with Niall, and now I'm settling Acxel and Saoirse's fight, too. Great. Just great.

Well at least Saoirse's gonna be happy right? Okay. That's ebough motivation, I think?


"Ahhhh!!!! I can't believe we're in Dublin!!" squeeled Saoirse. 

"Woah! Calm down, girl!" said May.

"I'm just so excited to see my parents again! And my siblings!"

"And I'm sure somebody's excited to see that certain Irish boy with blonde hair." said Lexie, who was looking slyly at me at the same time.

"Oh stop it, Lex." 

"What? I didn't say it was you! Or did I?"

"Just stop it." I said rolling my eyes.

"See! You're rolling your eyes too, just like Blondie does!" she said, and I just shook my head and put on my headphones.

"Come on guys! Let's go home!"

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