Chapter 37 xx :)

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Chapter 37 xx :)

Kate's POV

Wedding Day. I know I'm really excited for it, but no one is more excited than my sister. We're already on our way to the church. Mum's already tearing up, thinking that her little girl is getting married already. Then I told her she still has me, and she calmed down a bit. Man, moms these days!

The coordinator told us to line up with our partners. I was at the back of the line with Michael and the parents of the couple, and I can see the girls in front of me getting really excited as well. The wedding started, and everyone was soon entering the church. There were lots of flashing lights, and I could hear people say that Michael and I look good together, but all I could see was Louis seated by the grand piano and the choir standing beside him. Harry, Liam and Zayn were in the line with us by the way. I wonder where Niall is?

Minutes later Genevie finally came in. She was super pretty. Her wedding dress was so beautiful, and it suited her very well. It was white, and it was pretty simple but it had a long red bow tied around the waist. Her make-up was really simple, and her hair was just perfect. She smiled like she never did before, and Jake was so happy to finally stand beside her in front of the altar. They smiled at each other, and the ceremony started.

"Hey, I wanted our wedding to be different than before. This is our second chance. And you know me, I like giving twists to your life. Right now I name you as Mrs. Spencer, and I know this may sound crazy, but I promise to take out the bins and remove any insect that crawls in there. I promise not to complain when you spend your day dragging me to places making me try all sorts of weird stuff. I promise not to grimace in fear every time it’s your turn to drive, to no longer use man flu as an excuse to avoid unloading the dishwasher, to give unlimited foot rubs after a tough day at the office. And most of all, I promise to make you laugh and smile, and take care of you until I die." Aww, that was really sweet. And it had a twist in it, too! Way to go, Jake! That's my brother-in-law!

"Jakey, you know you have always been a pain in the bottom, but even so, I still love you. I take you, Jake Spencer, as my husband for all eternity, and I promise not to sweat the small stuff. Apart from putting the loo seat down - that’s a deal breaker, even if you’re a really honorable man. I promise not to roll my eyes when you put 12 frozen pizzas in our shopping trolley, claiming it’s part of our five a day. To understand that both a shed and garage are important to you – even if I don’t know what on earth goes on in there. I promise to accept that relentless football match updates and hours of other sport on weekends are now a part of my life, and not to laugh at your cooking or try to understand why six remote controls for the telly are actually necessary, but to love and cherish you for the rest of my life."

Best vows ever heard in my life. Really. They're still at it even at the wedding. But who cares, right? It's one of the things that's going to make my sister's wedding memorable. The two have exchanged vows and the priest asked them to kiss. We were soon cheering for the newly weds, and everyone was on their way to the other reception. Well, maybe not everyone. 

"What are you still doing here, Lou?"

"Oh, someone still has a little something for his special someone."

"What do you mean?" I asked him, and he started playing the piano. 

Someone began singing. I asked where it was coming from, and Louis directed my attention to the door. Niall was there, and he was the one who was singing. He was walking up to me. 

I know we're done, and now it's none of my concern but how

Can two be windin' out from only weeks in goin' out

Just makes me feel that what we had was real

Could it be or is it too late? 


Listen to your heart, won't let you down

Cause you should be my lady!

Now that we're apart love will show how

Life carries on

I've never felt so strong

Life can lead us to a happiness never ending

If we just know that we belong to each other

Never worry, grow as we go

See you in your wedding dress

Niall was standing in front of me when he finished singing. His suit fitted him perfectly, and his blue eyes looked straight into my eyes. I can hear the loud beating of my heart. It was getting louder that I would go deaf. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I just want to talk to you one last time." He said. Michael suddenly went in looking for me.

"Kate! Let's go. We're gonna be late." Michael held my hand. I just looked at our hands, and then at Niall. It hurts me to say this, but...

"I'm sorry, Niall. I gotta go. I'll just see you later at the reception." 

Michael and I left Niall and Louis at the church. I hope Niall forgives me for that. 





Wait, wait, wait! Wrong event! Ugh! Katherine, think of a better story ending! The story must not end like that! Okay, everything's mixed up.

Let me explain everything. I know, this story is really confusing. But who cares anyway? It sucks! I have to stop making this fan fiction. I've been too much of a Directioner that I've even used my name as the main character of my fanfic. 

You still don't get me huh? Fine. Let's start over.

Hi. I'm Katherine. Niamh Katherine Mir. I currently live in the Philippines, but I'm originally born in Bradford. I really want to go to California, or maybe back to UK to be with my grandparents. I'm a Directioner, a Belieber, a Smiler, a Brat, you name it. I love movies and music, the color orange mostly, and I love to eat and write stories. 

Like I've said earlier, I'm a writer. But I never show people my works. The fanfic I'm making now is just my randomness, because I obsess over Niall a lot. Okay, there, I said it. But anyway, If you're loving the story I've been making, I'm sorry if I had to cut it there. It was ugly. I just hope my love life doesn't get as messy as my story is.

Hm. What to do?

"Kate, honey, the school bus is here." Yelled my mom from downstairs.

Oh yeah, I still go to school. It's more like Uni, actually. I don't know. See? I'm too distracted.

What if Niall suddenly appears at school? Then maybe I'll be like... okay, fangirling right now!

"Niamh Katherine Mir! The bus is waiting!"

"Coming, mom!" 

I dressed myself up, brought my laptop and ran downstairs. I picked up my backpack and kissed mom on the cheek. It's almost the end of the schoolyear, so his time I'm not lazy because... you know, there's only a few days before summer vacation!

To school I go.

Author's Note:

Whattup readers, AlRoux here.

I know it's confusing, okay? I'm confused myself. BUT please comment if you have questions. I am happy to answer them. That's all.

Oh, and one question you might ask me is that... "What? I don't get this chapter. Wut?"

Well the answer to that is:  "Kate is the one writing the fanfic all the way from the first chapter. It's her fanfic. My fanfic is the whole SMHP itself. Get it? Great.

Oh, and this is what Kate wore to school :)


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