Chapter 36 xx :)

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Chapter 36 xx :)

Kate's POV

When I told Niall it was great that my dad let him have me, it was a total duck move. It's completely impossible and pointless. I don't know if he was being selfish, but this is making my head hurt. I'm getting confused about everything that's happening. But maybe I can still do something about their deal, and there's only one way to know.

"I just realized. That's a really bad move, Niall. It's like your just giving me away. Really. You agreed to avoid me and let my dad engage me to someone I barely even know? That's really selfish of you." 

"Kate, it's not like that."

"Oh it is. And if that's what you want, then I'll give it to you."

I marched straight back into the house. I went to settle everything with dad. Niall just followed me, trying to change my mind. But he isn't changing it. That's how he wants it, right? Then he's getting it.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm getting engaged to Michael. I have no objections to that anymore."

"Really? Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, dad. I heard about the deal you and Mr. Horan made a while ago, and it seemed to me like he's totally fine with the engagement as well."

"Great! I'll tell Michael about this, then." 

"Oh, and dad. I have a favor to ask."

"Anything for you, pumpkin."

"I want you to forget about the deal you and Mr. Horan made."

"Okay. That's a done deal. Mr. Horan, forget about the deal. Kate had made her mind. Good decision."  

I just smiled at my father and turned around. Niall was standing there. It was like he was about to cry. It hurts to see him like that, but I already made my decision. I know I might be a bad person, but it's really tiring. I just want to give msyelf a rest. 

I walked passed Niall. He was standing there speechless. I just hope he forgives me.

*days later*

Niall's POV

I don't get any sleep these nights. Ever since that day Kate made the deal with her dad. What happened to Kate? Why did she suddenly gave me the cold shoulder? I just wanted the best for her.

Everything's mixing up, and my head hurts. But what hurts most is how she's so happy with that Michael person. He has always been taking her to places, and when Kate gets home she looks so happy like she's having fun with him. What happened to her?

Night before the wedding. The lads and I have just arrived home. It was really tiring, especially when you're sitted next to your enemy. Can you believe it? I was seated next to Michael the whole time! Anyway, it was really late when we came back, so we all thought the girls were already asleep. Well, almost all of them were. May was still up, and so was Kate.

"Hey, why are you still up?" Harry asked May as he sat next to her on the couch.

"I was waiting for you, Harry. I worried too much, so I can't sleep." she replied, and Harry just kissed her. He hugged her really tight, too.

"Come on. It's really late. I'll sleep beside you tonight." Harry said, and both of them went upstairs.

"Hey Harry, be careful in the room!" joked Zayn. We all laughed. 

"You know guys, Harry is right. It's really late. We should get to sleep." said Loius.

"Yeah. Hey, Niall. You coming?" asked Liam.

"I'll stay up for a little longer. You go ahead." 

The lads wished Kate and I a good night. Kate just smiled at them, and she went upstairs and left me alone at the living room. I looked for her and finally found her at the balcony. She was playing the guitar. The moonlight just shined on her face, and the cold wind blew. I stepped in, but she didn't even notice me. Here we go again. Ignoring me like I don't even exist. 

"Kate, are you still mad at me?" I said as I sat on the floor (she was sitting on a chair). She stopped and put the guitar beside her. 

"No. I'm not. I'm sorry about everything I did. I know I was mean or rude, and I'm sorry about that. I'm just really tired or everything. I hope you're not mad at me."

"Don't worry, I'm not." she just smiled.

"There's still a big day tomorrow. I'm going to bed. You should, too."


She kissed my cheek before she left. I hope that means something.

And I've thought about something. I'm tired, too. It's hard trying to get her back. What was I even thinking? I can't get her back.  But I promised I'm not giving up on her. So maybe I'll just give my best shot tomorrow. If she doesn't budge, it's over.

Author's Note:

My head is aching. I have nothing else to put. But I'm positive everything's gonna be alright. There's just so much stress, and a lot that I have to think about this week. Our school project, the review I have to go to for college, and lots more.

Chapter 34 to 36 might be really confusing, or rather it has no point at all, but I promise from Chapter 37 onwards everything will be clear. I promise. I'm just really distracted right now.

Sorry again, guys. And thanks for even reding this.


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