Chapter 1 - A Special Encounter

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Author's Note: Yo, thanks for checking this out. I've been reading on Wattpad for several years now but never really thought about writing my own story. Now that I have some extra free time on my hands I figured, hey, better late than never.

I know the commander in Nikke is heavily implied if not already confirmed to be male but I wanted to cast a wide net for this story so I decided to go with neutral pronouns whenever the commander was brought up. Please let me know if I ever accidentally refer to the commander as a particular gender and I'll correct it ASAP.

Also this won't be a perfect retelling of the game's story word for word, but the same major events should happen in the same order. I'm also going to include several bond and event stories here and there to develop relationships.

With that out of the way please enjoy the story, I've never written on a consistent basis before, so expect updates to be slow and sporadic.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"BA-01 Down, BA-01 Down!" shouted a female voice, despite this her words barely reach you given your slowly recovering consciousness.

"Can you hear me? Smile if you can hear me!" shouted the voice, much clearer this time, yet you can barely move your body and begin to notice a thumping pain starting to set in.

Finally you work up the strength to reply, "U-Ugh my head... what happened?" you asked.

The girl clad in white and blue responds "Oh thank goodness you're awake, I was beginning to get worried I was too late!"

The girl clad in white and blue responds "Oh thank goodness you're awake, I was beginning to get worried I was too late!"

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She aids you to a more comfortable position, leaning your body outside what was your aerial vehicle for this operation. "I apologize for the rough landing commander, but something interfered with our mission on the surface, I wasn't able to detect any other survivors aside from you." the woman explained.

The gravity of the realization hits you, but the pain numbs your ability to respond outside of grunting your frustrations as you look to the ground. "Ah! I'm sorry commander, I didn't mean to upset you, I just thought it would be best to update you on our current situation so far!" exclaimed the woman to your visible distraught.

"No it's alright... I just wasn't expecting my first mission to be this stressfu- and wait did you refer to me as the commander?" "Yes commander, since you are the only remaining survivor of the crash all operational command has been deferred to you." explained the woman.

"Oh right! Since you didn't have access to much of the mission parameters beforehand, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Marian, I am a Nikke from Elysion who is a part of the Silver Gun Squadron, may I ask for your name?" "Y/N, just Y/N, and thanks for helping me earlier Mairan, where do we go from here?" you asked.

"Commander Y/N, we were sent up as a search party to locate various Nikke squads that have vanished in this general area as of late, we were en route to rendezvous with another commander before our ship was destroyed." explained Marian. You pondered on her words,

"Well if that's the case, then let's move and regroup with-"



Sounds of gunshots tore through your words, in the distance you see multiple red lights emerge from several dark biomechanical creatures approaching the wrecked ship. "Raptures! Stay behind me commander, I will protect you!" declared Marian as she whipped out her assault rifle and opened fire.

Ducking for cover you see them, raptures, mysterious creatures that showed up seemingly out of nowhere a few generations ago that took over Earth's surface. Each of their laser sensors glowing a crimson red, piercing your soul as their relentless rounds brushed against the wind.

Despite their numbers the models that showed appeared to be relatively weak, given the ease at which Marian was tearing through them all. You guide her fire, allowing her to strike at raptures which hid just outside her field of vision. Eventually after some time had passed, most of the low leveled raptures were destroyed, clearing a way to the rendezvous point.

"We did it, commander! Your orders were perfect!" Marian praises.

"Honestly Marian, you did all the work here, I was just pointing out where the enemy was" you admit.

"But still, for a rookie commander your leadership was incredible, were you some kind of prodigy from the military academy?" Marian wonders.

You thought about her question for a bit, you tried to reach into your mind to give her an answer only to find... nothing? That's weird, you didn't have the greatest memory in the world but surely you would remember most of your childhood and formative years right? But for now, you faintly accept this as reality.

"Sorry Marian, I don't really remember my time at the military academy, why I went there, or most of what they taught me, but I'm sure I had my reasons, speaking of which your leg looks fairly busted, why don't you lie down so I can patch it up?" you offer.

"Oh sorry, commander, no need to worry about me, us Nikkes don't feel pain in the same way that humans do, all we need is to repair or replace our parts when necessary, I'm still fully combat capable" explained Marian.

This didn't sit right with you. "Still, it doesn't sit right with me seeing you hurt like this, at least take this bandage to put my mind at ease." a seemingly innocuous gesture that shook Marian to her core.

"Commander... you really mean it?" Marian presses.

"Of course, we should look out for each other now that we're on the same team right?" you affirm.

She was speechless, no other commander she served under had ever checked on her like that, most would just demand for her to keep quiet and continue pressing forward, for Marian, receiving Y/N's bandage had awoken something inside her.

"W-well even though this isn't technically doing much, I feel like I'm being healed from the inside, thank you commander, this is the first time someone's ever treated me like this!" Marian admits.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Well, most commanders just see us as disposable weapons, a means to an end in reclaiming the surface." explained Marian as she averted your gaze.

You couldn't believe it, how could your peers treat their comrades in arms so coldly? Regaining your composure you put a hand on Marian's shoulder. "Not to me Marian, I won't stand for treating those on the frontlines with disrespect, I promise I'll always be there for you, no matter what!" you reassure her. 

Marian noticeably blushes at your words, "H-hah, thank you commander!"

"Don't mention it, now let's go, there's someplace we need to be!"

Marian stopped you with a firm hand on your shoulder "Wait commander, let me carry you to the destination, don't worry, humans are a featherweight to a Nikke's strength!" offered Marian.

You blush at the idea "T-that's nice Marian but I can walk myself to the-" without warning Marian picks you up and begins running along the route with your body firmly in her arms. "Trust me commander, it's much faster this way!" Marian insists.

'I can't believe I get to hold them like this, oh commander, you seem so cute and vulnerable it makes me want to cradle you forever!~'

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now