Chapter 3 - Corruption

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


Your group kept going, fighting small clusters of raptures along your way to Marian's coordinates.

You requested a damage report after a recent skirmish and Rapi was the first to reply, "6.83% damage overall, no major issues anywhere, still combat capable."

Anis followed suit, "7.12% damage overall, minor stiffness in trigger fingers, still overall combat capable."

Finally Marian weighed in, "17.05% damage overall, slight mobility issues in lower left leg and both arms, still combat capable."

Rapi looked at Marian with unease, "Marian, perhaps it would be best to conduct some emergency repairs, given that you have been fighting for some time before you ran into us. Now take off your top so I can assess your functionalities." she demanded.

Overhearing them you blushed profusely at the thought 'W-wait, right now?! In the middle of an operation!?' you thought, something that was also on Marian's mind.

"B-but the commander is r-r-right there!" protested Marian, to which Anis assured her "Don't worry about them, to humans we're nothing but emotionless fighting machines. The last thing they're thinking about us is sex, believe me, isn't that right commander?" she asked.

Still flustered, your red face serves as an answer to Anis's question "Well well so you do see us that way! How interesting!" meeting your expression with an equally unimpressed and disgusted look.

Rapi turns to assure you "Don't worry commander, it'll be quick, but for now could you turn the other way? I'll let you know when we're finished."

Heeding her words you took over scouting duty for several minutes that felt like hours as you could still hear Marian struggle nearby. "Inspection complete, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary." Rapi concluded.

"I told you! There's nothing wrong with me!" retorted Marian.

"Hey, I saw that!" exclaimed Anis which consequently led to an alert Marian. 

"Just kidding! Everything looks good from here, alright commander, you can turn around now!" Anis confirms.

Getting back on course Rapi took out her commlink after hearing it buzz with static and electronic garble, it revealed a short blue haired woman attempting to patch herself through. "C-c-can anyone-one h-hear me-e? This-s is Shifty coming from the Ark, I repeat, this is S-Shifty from the Ark!"

 "C-c-can anyone-one h-hear me-e? This-s is Shifty coming from the Ark, I repeat, this is S-Shifty from the Ark!"

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