Chapter 15 - Until I See You Again

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


A tense hostility looms through the air as both sides prepare to engage each other.

On one side, there's you, three Nikkes from the Ark, and an experienced surface dweller motivated to purge humanity of one of its many enemies.

On the other, a soul filled with nothing but contempt for humanity, a fire that continues to burn just as brightly as her vigor and desire to serve her Queen to the fullest.

Your Nikkes all march to confront the Heretic, Modernia, drawing a firm line in the snow which they pledge she will not pass. Modernia, in her bid to advance, suits up in preparation to squash the guardians of mankind into nothingness, as the colossal machine she powers lights up and begins to float above as if it were a god.

The Heretic locks herself inside as her machine assumes it's true form. The angel-like machine spreads out its jets to extend out two sizable missile launchers that sat rested above a massive railgun and laser saber in her hands.

"Everyone, open fire! Take down that Heretic by any means necessary!" you order as the battle roars into life and your Nikkes raise hell against the traitor alongside Snow White. Towards Modernia's center you make out a distinct core that pulsates energy throughout her systems. Modernia elevates a bit in height before gathering up a cluster of energy near her jets, noting how long she kept there before preparing to unleash her first attack.

"Get down!" you yell just in time for everyone to duck for cover as Modernia shoots out a concentrated laser directly at your Nikkes' cover. The Heretic then stops for a moment until it moves back and begins to launch explosives from its missile launchers.

"Don't let those bombs anywhere near you! Destroy the core ASAP, I think that's what's powering up that laser attack!" you postulate from a distance.

"Everyone keep those explosives off me, I'm going to take care of that core. Buy me some time!" Snow White suggests.

"Roger!" your Nikkes respond as they fire away at the incoming explosive projectiles. Snow White puts on her visor again as she begins to release a charged shot, but something about this one seems a little different. For over 10 seconds Snow White charges her weapons keeping her aim steady at Modernia's core, once enough energy has accumulated inside she unleashes her light straight into the Heretic!


The light is even stronger now, it needed to be in order to obliterate the battle angel's centerpiece in one fell swoop!


With the core gone, you swear you hear a voice from within the mechanical angel shriek in agony as Modernia retaliates by launching explosives at an even faster rate than normal.

"Get rid of her wings! Once those are gone the explosives should no longer be a problem!" you note. Your Nikkes chip away at the oncoming explosives as Snow White continues to chip away at the wings to give everyone some breathing room.


One wing down, one more to go! Suddenly, out of the blue Modernia gets even closer to your Nikkes with its saber held above her head, "Get down! That sword looks deadly!" you shout as the sword drops down at your group. Snow White and Rapi manage to evade in time, but unfortunately Anis and Neon couldn't and were blown away by the sheer force behind that orange saber!

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