Chapter 16 - Life Beyond The Walls

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Author's Note: Woah, got a much loooonger chapter here for you all that focuses on Anis's bond story. I figured to go along this route because introducing the Outer Rim would be much more important for later on. After this I want to give Infinity Rail and Wardress some love before we head into our first event story, Cherry Blossom. Like Shift Up's most recent banners, expect this one to be a real Tetra-fest (well except for near the end but you'll see).

I would also like to thank you all for your immense support and kind words, it really means a lot to me as a beginner writer.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


It's been a few days since you were discharged, and it feels nice to finally take a breather while hanging out with the girls in the developing Outpost. You woke up this morning as usual before going about your routine and wondering what you should do for the day. You've spent the past several days helping the rest of Infinity Rail get used to the Outpost as well as overseeing construction of the new hospital with Mighty Tools and haven't really spent much time with your Nikkes as of late.

Soon, however, that would all change. Just before you were about to head out of your office, you heard a familiar voice call to you from outside.

"Commander? Are you awake yet?" Anis calls to you. Weird, she usually never woke up this early on her own accord, what could she possibly need from you at this hour? You open the door to greet her, which sends her back in light surprise.

"Yo, I never expected to see you so early in the morning, Anis. Do you need something?" you ask her. Anis stumbles for a bit before meeting your sudden arrival with a nervous blush.

"Y-yeah, actually. I've noticed over the past few days that you haven't been able to spend much time with us on your vacation. So, if it's not too much trouble, is it alright if we go out to the Ark together on a little date?" Anis asks with embarrassment.

"Sure! Honestly, I was hoping to spend some time with you girls but organizing the Outpost has been taking up so much of my time lately that I couldn't think of anything to do. But since you came out of your way to invite me I'd be more than happy to join you!" you answer.

"...Also this is a little embarrassing but, even though I was born and raised in the Ark I still remain unfamiliar with it despite all this time. So, could you guide us along?" you sheepishly ask Anis.

"No problem, commander! I've lived in the Ark my entire life so I know my way around. I can guide you to all of my favorite hangouts, as long as you pay for everything of course~!" Anis teases.

"Well we might as well put this money to good use. I've already submitted the last operation report and budgeted for the remaining materials for all the new buildings, so we have plenty to go around!" you assure Anis.

"Well then let's go commander! No time to waste!" Anis declares before taking your hand and leading you Outside, "Wait, Anis! Don't pull so hard!" you warn her.

'Oh my god! I finally got the chance to have the commander all to myself for the day! Just you wait, Rapi, soon you won't be the only one on their minds hehe~' Anis delights as she guides you to the Outpost rail platform. To your surprise you find all three members of Infinity Rail already up, they turn to greet you as you.

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