Chapter 38 - Proper Protocol

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Author's Note: Fun Fact, Exia was actually my first SSR and Novel was my second. So with Protocol being the first SSR squad that I managed to complete, I hope I was able to do them justice with this chapter. As always, thanks for checking this out and I'll see you in the next one!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"Another day another migraine..."

It was another calm afternoon in the Outpost, but it was anything but calm for you. While everyone else was at work or enjoying the pleasant weather, you were confined in your room filling out battle reports as per usual.

'Man if only those high paying commissions didn't require days worth of paperwork at the end. It's no wonder people barely go for them.'

"Commander, I've finished filling in sections A55 through B0085 and are awaiting your review." Rapi informs. Fortunately you could always count on your trusty Nikkes for support whenever you needed it.

"Ah, thanks Rapi! Just leave it on my desk, I'll give it a look over once I wrap this up."

"Sheesh, I can't believe they would swamp you in all this paperwork after we went through all of that on the surface!" Anis remarks while moving some paper around.

"Yeah, I thought that by becoming special commandos we wouldn't need to sit through all this humbo-jumbo!" Neon concurs.

"Commander, with all due respect, you've been working nonstop for the past several hours. I highly recommend that you pass that off to me so that you may get some rest." Rapi advises.

"*Sigh* I appreciate the offer, but I can't just pawn everything onto you guys. I have to be responsible for at least some of this."

"Commander, I understand that you prefer pulling your own weight, but there's no shame in turning to others for help." Rapi reassures with a sweet smile.

"She's right, commander! In fact, I think I have just the thing to help you out. Here!" Marian emerges behind Rapi to plop down a warm cup of coffee on your desk. The pleasant aroma of coffee combined with the sweet blend of cream and sugar immediately gives you a burst of energy.

"Wow, this tastes incredible! Thanks Marian, I really needed that!"

"Hehe~! You're welcome, commander! Don't worry, I made it just the way you like it!" Marian delightfully chirps much to the dismay of her comrades.

'That she-devil! How does she know what coffee the commander likes?!' Rapi, Anis, and Neon ask themselves. Marian notices the look of discontent in their faces, and seizes the opportunity to grace them with a very smug grin.

'Hehe~! Looks like I win this one girls~. You'll all have to try a little harder than that!'

Although the three Nikkes couldn't read Marian's thoughts, they were able to get the message.

'It looks like someone needs to learn her place-!'


"Commander, do you have a moment?"

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