Chapter 18 - Growing To New Heights

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Author's Note: Alright, here's my new take on Soline's bond story! Hopefully this will be way better than the previous version which didn't build the relationship as well, so I hope this will suffice as an improvement.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


You needed several days to recuperate from your day with Wardress, but fortunately you were able to make a miraculous recovery. You wanted to rest for a little while longer, but suddenly remember the promise you made a Diesel while you were going out with Anis. 

Not wanting to leave the girl out to dry, you decide to wake up very early the next day to lend a helping hand. Like clockwork you find Infinity Rail prepping their train before they head out for the day, you wave your hand to them as Diesel eagerly runs over to you. 

"Commander! Are you here to help us out on one of our work days?" she excitedly asks. 

"Yep, after a quick rest yesterday I figured it wouldn't hurt to finally spend some time with you girls. If you don't mind, of course?" you offer. 

"Of course! I'm so happy you went out of your way to help us! Big sister is so proud of you~!" Diesel praises as she tugs you inside the train.

'Finally, now I can show the commander that I'm the one who cares about them the most. They won't be able to think about anyone other than me for the entire day, hehe~!' she fantasizes. 

The moment you head inside you see Bride and Soline at the driver's seat, conducting their usual pre-travel checks. The both of them turn to you curiously, wondering what you needed with them so early in the morning. 

"Hey, commander. You need to head to the Ark early again?" Soline eagerly asks. 

"Not exactly. You see, a few days ago I told Diesel that I wanted to accompany you girls on one of your work days since I was curious as to how the AZX operated. If it's not too much trouble I would be more than happy to tag along and lend a hand if you would allow it." you offer them. 

Brid mulls over your offer for a moment but Soline doesn't even hesitate with her answer, "Sure! More people means less work for each of us individually, count me in!" she excitedly answers, looking forward to an easier work day. 

Brid finally finishes thinking it over, "Very well, commander. Just note that the Ark Express can be very hectic, especially since today is a weekday. In order to get you accustomed, I recommend that you observe one of us first before pitching in." Brid recommends. 

"Got it, so who should I go with first?" 

"Oh, how about me!" 


Right before Diesel can answer, Soline instantly offers herself up. You were rather surprised by the girl's enthusiasm as you turned to the other two with an unsure look on your face. 

"I have no objection. Soline could definitely use the assistance, commander." Brid dryly remarks. 

"Hey, don't say it like that! You're going to make the commander think that I'm some useless kid!" Soline chides at her coworker. 

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now