Chapter 37 - A Pupper's Promised Land

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Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. Finals have been an absolute hell and I've been spending the last few days going back home to spend the holidays with my family. That being said, I hope you enjoy this little early Christmas present from me even though this chapter isn't exactly Christmas themed. Thank you all so much for your patience and support, I look forward to seeing where this story goes in 2024!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*




A bunch of dogs perk their heads up and down through their cages as they eagerly await their next meal.

"Alright guys, who's hungry?" Biscuit asks as she opens the cages to let each dog out.




The pack of dogs start to get antsy until the commanding presence of the largest dog makes everyone fall in line.

"Good boy, Max! You're always my good little helper aren't you?" Biscuit praises the large black and brown dog by giving him some gentle headpats much to Max's chagrin.



"As a special treat, I'll give you your favorite flavor: Chicken breast!" Biscuit decides.

One by one, Biscuit takes out a large collection of bowls for all the dogs and pours an equal amount of chicken kibble in each of them until the bag runs out.

"Oh no! I thought we had more than that. Sorry guys, but this is all I have for now! I'll get some more later, I promise!" Biscuit apologizes.


The dogs all whimper as they share what little food they have with each other. Despite Max being the largest of the dogs, he decides to sit back and let the others eat first.

"Aw, don't worry Max! I'll be sure to get extra next time just for you!" Biscuit promises.



The sound of a grumbling stomach following Max's depressed whimper signals to Biscuit that she should probably do something now.

"Uh... Hey, are you down to go for a walk? We can get some more food on the way if you want to come with me!" Biscuit offers.


All the dogs perk up the moment they hear the word walk, and quickly devour the rest of their meal. Biscuit waves a sigh of relief as she thinks about where she could possibly take the dogs, but as she was lost in her thoughts-


Max releases a string of stern barks which drive the rest of the pack into an absolute frenzy. Within seconds the dogs all start running around the place before following Max directly out of the shelter.

"Wait, where are you guys going? Come back!" Biscuit's pleas, however, ultimately fall on deaf ears as all the dogs ignore her in favor of following Max outside the facility. By the time Biscuit can rush over the main entrance, all of the dogs have fled the scene in different directions.

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