Chapter 35 - Guilty As Charged

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Author's Note: Guess who's back with another chapter? Anyway, if you remember I wanted to leave rehabilitating Real Kindness up to you guys and Guilty was chose first, so Sin and Quincy are still remaining. I'll post an announcement soon so you can vote on who you want rehabilitated next. Whoever wins won't be rehabilitated next chapter, I plan to space things out to give some more time to other characters and event stories before shit really hits the fan in chapter 14. Anyway, thank you all for your patience and I look forward to seeing you in the next one!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*



The last piece of paperwork for the day is finally hammered out and you collapse in your chair after a hard day's work.

"Good work today, commander! Here, why don't you help yourself to some strawberry candy from big sis as a reward, hehe~!" Diesel kindly offers.

"You know what? That doesn't sound too bad. Thanks Diesel!" The cheerful leader of Infinity Rail gives you a playful wink as she hands you a small piece of pink strawberry candy.

"I still can't believe how much paperwork you have to do. I don't think even Brid could've handled all of this!" Soline comments.



Immediately Soline is smacked in her shoulder by her rather displeased comrade who just arrived in your office with several cans of coffee.

"I assure you, such documents are within my capabilities. Commander, I brought some coffee for us if you would like some." Brid kindly offers.

"Certainly! I could really use some energy after all of that. Thanks for helping me get through these girls! It really means a lot to me!"

"Not a problem, commander! We want to be there for you in times of need, so please feel free to depend on us more!" Diesel chirps.

'Hehe, if the commander relies on us more, then they won't need anyone else to take care of them! This is the perfect plan to slowly make the commander ours by any means necessary~!' the three members of Infinity Rail gush.

The four of you crack open your drinks and engage in some light conversation before Diesel receives a notice from the Ark Express on her phone.

"Aw man, I think we need to go soon! Here commander, why don't you let big sis take these off your hands so you can relax?" Diesel offers.

"Sure thing. Thanks Diesel. I'll see you girls later!"

"Hehe~ Goodbye commander!"

"Later commander!"

"Farewell, commander. I hope you enjoyed the coffee!"

Infinity Rail soon goes off to resume their other duties leaving you feeling rather perplexed at having anything resembling free time in quite a while.

"Man it feels weird not having anything to do. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend more time with Marian or take Pepper out on that date I promised. I could certainly do with not tangling with more criminals-"

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now