Chapter 4 - Tyrant's Wrath

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


The creature known as Blacksmith loomed in the distance, at first it continued its advance after absorbing Marian but it suddenly stopped upon losing sight of you and your Nikkes.

Anis turned to you, "Commander, we have to go now! We're not under any condition to take on a tyrant class rapture, if we go in there we'll be forking over our lives to that thing!"

Soon the Blacksmith roared back to life, shooting various heat seeking missiles that honed in on your location. "We have to go! Shifty, can you map out an escape route from here to take us out of Blacksmith's range?"


"Shifty?" Rapi called into the commlink but no response was given, for whatever reason your group was unable to contact Shifty.

"Dammit, looks like that thing jammed our comms, we're sitting ducks out here!" cursed Anis.

Turning to the remaining Nikkes you ask them "How dangerous is a Blacksmith, can we at least repel it with the both of you?"

Rapi gave a grim reply "I'm afraid not commander, tyrant class raptures are among the highest class of raptures, they coordinate many of the smaller units we've encountered earlier, it must've heard Marian's distress signal and worked its way over here!"

Anis tugged at your chest with a very frightful expression "Commander you have to run, forget about us and the mission, this is no place for you to die! We'll hold it off until you find your way out of its jamming range so you can contact Shifty and find a way back to the ark!"

Like before, you were frozen in pure fear, your feet unable to move let alone twitch, the sound of bullets and explosions ringing in your ear making your hands shake ever so much at the increasing intensity of the violence around you.

Yet despite this, you didn't want to go, something tugged at you to stay, you had to see this through to the end, because you remember your promise to Marian, "I won't stand for treating those at the frontlines with disrespect, I promise I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"

You took a deep breath and asserted to Rapi and Anis "I'm staying."

"You're crazy, commander! Don't waste this chance to get out of here! That thing is unpredictable; it keeps bouncing all over the place!" shouted Anis.

"No, we can do this, I'm not leaving the both of you for dead like with Marian. Listen, that thing may be big and scary but it's not invincible, it definitely has to have some sort of weakness!" you counter.

Looking towards the blacksmith you could see it jumping around here and there, but you notice that it only did this whenever Rapi or Anis would fire near the centermost core, indicating that this spot was particularly sensitive.

You made the connection and share your findings "That's it! Aim for the center core, it keeps jumping around because your shots almost get close to that area, meaning it has to be protecting it as if it were a weak spot!"

Rapi and Anis were surprised by your deduction, they've never once encountered a tyrant class outside of heavily controlled simulations and even Blacksmith was a very unfamiliar foe, but they confided in your words and began focusing at Blacksmith's center core.

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now