Chapter 31 - Reunited At Last

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Author's Note: Think this might be one of the last ones I can post before I head back to school. After this I do Marian's bond story (heavily altered) where we introduce some more characters before moving onto a another little vacation arc where we do more events and bond stories.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


The faint sound of a passing breeze was the only thing running through the ears as you lay on the ground surrounded on all sides by your Nikkes.

While they were busy treating you, Chatterbox and Snow White somehow found themselves inching closer and closer to your position during their little duel. Although Snow White was nearing the edge of victory, Chatterbox was not content going down alone, he was determined to take someone with him one way or another. As the body of the beast soared through the air, you thought it was nearly over for all of you, had it not been for the intervention of a very precise passerby.

From your point of view, a mystifying woman brandishing several long swords had come from nowhere to cut down the remains of the beast in the nick of time. Her silver hair flowed beautifully beneath a very wide hat decorated in mostly white and purple accents complimenting the rest of her intricately detailed outfit.

She stood there for a moment, assessing the quality of her most recent cut before promptly putting her sword back in its sheath.

"Hmm... Methinks that mark was most divine. Nary a fault with the angle, nor the draw." The woman mutters to herself. Although you were admittedly curious about your surprise savior, there were clearly more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.

"Commander, don't move! You need to preserve whatever blood you have left!" Marian orders as she tries to keep you in a resting position.

"She's right, commander! Movement is the last thing you should be doing right now. Please sit tight and let us do all the work!" Rapi concurs.

"Don't worry, we managed to stop most of the bleeding so you should have plenty of time!" Anis reassures.

"Master, I know you can get through this! Just hang in there!" Neon adds.

"Sheesh, you all look like you went through hell back there."


Snow White soon approaches you with the same neutral expression as ever. Despite her impassive tone, her eyes made it clear that she was glad to see you were still alive. Everyone else soon turns to Snow White hoping to get some sort of answer or explanation, but the hunter quickly reassures everyone.

"Hey, take it easy. Don't worry about my friend over there, I'll deal with her." Snow White insists as she walks past you to greet the swordswoman.


"Ah, Snow White. Hath it truly been nearly a full moon cycle since our last rendezvous? It take it thou art doing well in your conquest?" the swordswoman greets.

"You could say that, though, I never expected to see you here of all places. How did you end up here?" Snow White questions.

The swordswoman gives Snow White a sappy smile as she answers, "Thou know I. Tis impossible for me to stay hither in one place for too long. Such dallying wouldest made me most unrefined. Twas merely on one of mine expeditions seeking spirits and sustenance and the like till I hath heard a most troubling commotion. Whence I came, I saw a most foul beast soaring through the air like a bird, seeking to crush that party over yonder. Twas when I decided to take out mine sword in the moment." the swordswoman recalls.

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