Chapter 34 - Queen's Gambit

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Author's Note: Sorry this one took quite a while. I don't remember the event story being this long but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, enjoy this one, I'll see you all in the next chapter!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"This apple splendamin looks so good!-"



A young boy is eager to chow down on a sweet treat, until it suddenly gets taken right out of his hands. His shock quickly turns into anger when he sees a woman much taller than him eyeing up his food.

"Hey, give it back! My dad bought that apple splendamin for me you big fat meanie!" the boy shouts. Rosanna ignores the boy and gives the apple splendamin a look over before looking down at him with a smug smirk.

"Listen kiddo, I'm the one who pays your dad. So technically I'm the one who owns this wouldn't you agree?" the mafioso teases.

"No!" The boy tries to reach for his apple splendamin but Rosanna easily blocks him with just one hand.

"Hey boss, I got an update from-!" A middle aged man slowly approaches Rosanna from behind, and looks horrified upon seeing his son messing around with his boss. The man quickly pries his son away and orders him to stay put while looking at Rosanna with a pleading expression.

"Boss, please forgive me! He's still young and-"

"What's gotten into you Alfredo? You know I'm just messing around!" Rosanna tosses the apple splendamin back at the kid and he catches it perfectly in his hands.

"That kid has a bright future ahead of them. Can't imagine any others who would confront me after being wronged like that. Make sure he stays well-fed so he can be big and strong like you alright~?" Rosanna's words bring relief to her underling and he breathes a huge sigh of relief.

"Yes boss!" Rosanna then turns to his son with some advice.

"Hey kid, keep an eye out. Don't let anyone nab your things like I just tried to do, got it?" The young boy was surprised to receive his treat back, but he nods respectfully at Rosanna in return.

"Got it!"

"Since we're here, it wouldn't hurt to load up that plate."


The Consigliere approaches Rosanna just before she can enter the restaurant, keeping the same respectful demeanor as always.

"Word on the street is that Red Grass is picking up lots of incendiary devices." the slender woman informs.

"Red Grass... Oh right, aren't they one of the newer gangs that showed up around here? What could they possibly want with all those bombs?" Rosanna ponders.

"Hard to say. We've been keeping tabs on them as best as we could but something's not adding up." the Consigliere notes.


"It's weird. For a buncha newcomers they sure have some deep pockets if they can afford all those explosives." the Consigliere elaborates.

"Perhaps they have someone in the Ark footing the bill then? Though this idea is just one possibility of many." Rosanna suggests.

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