Chapter 19 - Coffee For Two

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Author's Note: Brid didn't exactly get a lot of time in the previous version of this chapter, so I'm hoping to change that here.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*




Your alarm wakes you up earlier than you would like to, but you suck it up knowing the promise you made to Brid yesterday. 

"Sheesh, can't believe those guys wake up this early just for work!" After a quick refreshing shower, you suit up in your uniform and head out to meet Infinity Rail once again before the sun rises above the horizon. 

As you enter the rail platform, you see Brid working on the train by her lonesome, with her coworkers nowhere to be found. You approach the hardworking Nikke but she doesn't notice you until you're standing right beside her. 

"Hi Brid!" 

"Ah! Commander!" Your sudden arrival startles the normally impassive Nikke. 

"Woah, sorry! Didn't mean to scare you, honest!" You offer Brid a hand to help her back up and she takes it. 

"No, it's alright. I suppose I lost track of time and forgot that you would be here today." Brid explains. 

"Oh, when did you get here?" 

"Actually, I stayed all night. There were some sudden issues with the train so I volunteered to fix them so Diesel and Soline could rest." Brid clarifies. 

"Woah, that's very nice of you! Maybe you should get some rest now that you've been up for some time." 

"I'm afraid that's not possible, commander. I'm expected to arrive at the downtown station in an hour and I have a pretty packed schedule ahead of me." Brid adds while showing you her tablet. You take a quick glance and could barely fathom what you were looking at. 

Brid's tablet was split between two different websites, one that showed a monthly calendar and another which showed timetables for today's train routes. 

The monthly calendar was littered with various events, meetings, and other noteworthy occasions relating to the Ark Express, with barely any free-time in between them except for the occasional empty chunk during the late nights. 

The timetable on the other hand, well, it would be more accurate to describe the damn thing as a clusterf*ck. Brid's schedule for the day required her to stop at almost every line the Ark Express offered, with barely any wiggle room to spare. All it took was one delay and she would easily fall behind schedule. 

Fortunately, it appears the Ark Express was kind enough to offer her a break, at nine o'clock at night... 

"Wow, you sure have a lot on your plate. Have you ever considered taking a vacation?" Brid's head tilts in confusion as she appears alien to the concept of a vacation or even time off. 

"Vacation? I don't need one, simple as that. My hectic schedule would never allow for one. Besides, staying productive most of the time is how I stay focused." Brid argues. 

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