Chapter 26 - Call To The Wild

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Author's Note: Meant to get this one out yesterday but it took a little longer than expected to wrap this up. Also I'm about to head back into school soon so expect updates from here on out to be much slower, thank you for your patience and understanding.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"Who are you?" you hazily ask while staring at the extravagant looking woman completely bewildered. 

"I could ask you the same thing. What exactly is a commander from the Ark doing this far from home, hm?" the woman asks in return. 

"...Let's just say I was out on a mission." you blurt out, hoping that she accepts your answer. 

"I see. Though, I have a hard time believing falling off a high bridge was part of your mission objective, fufu~" she giggles. 


'Wait, how does she know about-?' 

"You're probably wondering how I know about that. Well, who do you think brought you out of your little predicament~" the woman teases. 

"Oh, I remember now. Something grabbed me while I was falling earlier, I guess I know who that is now. Thank you so much for saving me! Er...?" 

"Harran, follower. You may address me as Harran." the woman flamboyantly introduces. 

"Harran, huh? Well, thank you so much for saving me earlier, Harran! Honestly I kinda thought it would be the end for me there, and you can call me Y/N. Though, how exactly did you know that I was in danger?" you wonder. 

"I was going on a little scavenger hunt when I heard a loud disturbance in the distance. I decided to check it out and by the time I reached the noise I saw you in freefall, so I figured I would at least help you out." Harran explains. 

"Scavenger hunt?" 

"That's right, follower. A scavenger hunt. You see, it took quite a lot of my precious time to save you, so now I'm running behind on finding what I came here for." Harran continues. 

"...I see." you absorb her words with a sullen expression, thinking about how long you can last on your own before reuniting with your squad. 

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're actually expecting an escort back to that place?" Harran pokes. 


"Why should I do that? All creatures born into this world must learn to survive on their own. Those who are unable to adapt, die. If you refuse to become someone's prey, then you must be prepared to face the indignity of begging for your life. These are the fundamental laws of nature that all living things abide by." Harran argues. 

"Well, I get that, but-" 

"If anything, I am the one who should be asking favors from you. After all, I am your savior, no?" Harran interrupts. 


'Oh god! What could she want from me? Wait, this woman doesn't look like any Nikke I've ever seen before, so is she another-?' 

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