Chapter 20 - One Last Train Home

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Author's Note: Time for Diesel to finally get some love! After this I'm going to take another short break before working on the next part. I'm going to try something new here and sprinkle in some pictures into the story, and update earlier chapters with new images along with minor fixes in the meantime. Enjoy the chapter, and thank you for taking the time to read this! 

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


Considering how hectic your work day with Infinity Rail has been taking the next day off was a no brainer. Not only was it good to relax your body for the entire day but it also gave you time to think about what to do for the date you promised for Diesel. 

'So, she wanted to meet downtown so we could head for Royal Road. I hope she doesn't want anything too expensive since I haven't exactly mastered standing my ground against Talentum's incredible persuasion. No, maybe it wouldn't hurt to treat her, this is one of her vacation days after all.' you rationalize. 

Eventually the next day arrives and you rise up on time to have plenty of time to prepare with your little outing with Diesel. "Commander, is something wrong? You look like you have something on your mind." Rapi notes as the four of you ate breakfast. 

"No, don't worry about it. I'm just thinking about possible activities that Diesel and I could do for our date." you explain. 


Rapi and Anis petrify in shock upon hearing that while Neon spat out her food. "D-date?!" they all let out in shock.

"Oh, yeah. Since I couldn't help Diesel with her work two days ago I promised to help her some other time and she wanted to use one of her vacation days for a little date. Sorry, I forgot to mention it earlier since I was still recovering yesterday." you clarify. 

"Master! When will you take me out on a date?!" Neon pouts. 

"Sorry Neon. I'm not exactly the greatest at planning these things, remember? If there's something you'd like to do with me just let me know and we can start as soon as possible, but I've already made a promise to Diesel and I need to see this through to the end. Just give me some time, alright?" you respond. 

"Hmph! Ok..." Neon begrudgingly accepts.

'Master, master. What to do with master? Oh, that's it! I can ask master to help me find the legendary gun to shoot that special shell with me! Then master will be forever drawn to my immaculate firepower!' Neon plans.

'That's definitely a facial expression, what could she possibly be planning with that determined look?' Anis ponders with her signature suspicious gaze. 

"I'll see you guys later, I should probably head downtown to meet Diesel in time." you decide as you leave the Outpost. 

"Be safe out there, commander!" 

"Bye commander!" 

"Don't forget about our date, master!" your squad says goodbye. 

The train ride from the Outpost to the downtown rail platform was nothing new, even the sea of people waiting at the downtown station was something you were used to by now.

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