Chapter 17 - Getting Whipped Into Shape

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Author's Note: Surprise! I know I said I was only going to go back and touch up on Brid & Soline, but I figured I might as well give Yuni and Mihara a chapter if I was going to go back and add in some new stuff. Anyway, this one's going to be actually pretty short, but I hope I showed them off well enough.

Content Warning: This chapter will contain some mildly suggestive themes.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


After your lengthy date with Anis, you decided to take it easy the next day and relax before doing anything else. Well, that was the plan until you found yourself wearing a leash and being paraded by a very satisfied Yuni around the Outpost like a pet. 

"Hehe~ Commander, you look so cute when Yuni pulls you around! Yuni already knows we're going to have so much fun together!" the short pink-haired sadist happily sings while pulling you along. Mihara followed from behind, bound to Yuni in the same manner you were. 

"Easy there, commander. The more you struggle, the more it'll hurt! Just go along with it and you'll be feeling better in no time!" the tall masochist reassures. Unbeknownst to any of you, however, you were secretly tailed by the Counters as peered from behind a corner with varying amounts of jealousy, frustration, and disgust. 

'How dare she! Dragging the commander around like that is completely unacceptable, especially when they belong to me! I should be the one doing that!' Rapi fumes. 

'What the hell, commander! You're already moving on to other Nikkes? Does all the time we spent yesterday not mean anything?! You promised that you wouldn't forget about us!' Anis seethes. 

'Master, how could you go along with them when we haven't spent any time together? This isn't fair! I've known you for way longer than them!' Neon mopes. 

'How did things get this way?'

You begin to look back on everything that's been leading up to this point in your life. 

A few hours ago...

Last night, after saying goodbye to Anis, you disabled your alarm to reap the sweet sweet benefits of sleeping in the next day. Everything felt normal when you dozed off into dreamland. Many hours later, however, you felt something wrap around your body as a suffocating sensation swiftly sucked you out of your slumber. 


Upon waking up, you noticed something clinging onto you tightly underneath the covers. You opened the blanket to reveal Yuni resting on top of you, with her whip tied all around your body preventing you from moving. 

Despite being a fairly small Nikke, she was still rather heavy, only amplifying the crushing sensation you felt. Fortunately your mouth wasn't obstructed so you were able to quietly communicate with the Nikke to wake her up. 

"Yuni, Yuni! Wake up! I feel like I'm about to die here! Yuni, Yuni please!" You pleaded for the girl to wake up but she continues to lay there, opting instead to talk in her sleep. 

"Zzz... Five more minutes... The commander is so warm and comfortable!" 

After mumbling in her sleep for a few minutes, Yuni's grip around you somehow tightens, making it even harder for you to breathe. 

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now