Chapter 28 - Resolute Souls

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Author's Note: I just realized I kept misspelling Eunhwa's name until this point. Well, that's going to be fun to edit later.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


Today's the day. After a brief hiatus where you helped Protocol get accustomed to the Outpost, it was finally time to join Absolute on a mission to learn more about the Vapaus. You woke up much more alert than usual, perhaps the reality of conducting such an operation with immense backing was finally starting to seep in, but there was no time to worry about any of that. 

After a hearty breakfast and some extensive equipment checks, you lead Counters to a surface elevator on the far outskirts of the Ark. You feel that you're about to hit the Outer Rim at this rate until you see Absolute waiting patiently by the surface elevator. 

"Rapi! Commander! You're finally here!" Vesti wastes no time and rushes over to pull you in for a quick hug. 

"Woah! Hey, nice to see you all again!" you return her embrace for a moment before letting go to face Emma with her usual friendly demeanor. 

"Glad that all of you could make it on time! I never imagined that we would be able to work again like this, Rapi!" she pleasantly greets. 

"The same goes for me. I'm looking forward to fighting by your side once again." Rapi returns with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Tch, I can't believe this..." Eunhwa mumbles something from behind, but you can't make out what she said. 

"Sorry, did you say something, Eunhwa?" 

"Quiet, you. Why does Absolute have to babysit such a third rate squad such as you sorry bunch?" the resolved leader of Absolute moans. 

"Hey, three is greater than one or two, so I don't mind at all!" Neon smugly retorts. 

"Yeah, exactly!" Anis concurs, hoping to further provoke Eunhwa. 

"Shut up, you idiots." Eunhwa snaps back. 

"Hey, it takes one to know one!" Neon teases. 

"Yeah, exactly!" Anis tacks on. Eunhwa goes silent for a moment as veins start to appear on her forehead. 


"Oh, you find this amusing, is that right?" Eunhwa sharply chides Vesti upon learning she finds Anis and Neon's teasing to be funny. 

"Wha-! N-no..." Vesti's smile quickly turns into a dejected frown after getting reprimanded by her team mate. 

"Hey, come on now. None of you are 'babysitting' us, we're working together on a joint operation." you spout off, hoping to get the elite sniper in line. 

"Don't be so ridiculous. Look around you, you can't possibly think you're on our level." Eunhwa fires back. 

"Okay, settle down now. Let's give them a chance before we come to a conclusion. Besides, Ingrid asked us personally to do this for her. If you don't get it together then I'm afraid I'll have to report you!" Emma steps in to diffuse the situation before it can get out of hand, fortunately it appears to have worked. 

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