Chapter 11 - The Hunt Begins

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


The next day you wake up and go about your usual morning routine and head down to eat breakfast with you Nikkes. You head down to find your squadron waiting for you, except for Diesel who wasn't present.

"Good morning commander. Diesel needed to leave urgently for something, apparently there's been an emergency at one of the rail stations so Infinity Rail has been dispatched to rectify the issue. She said she likely won't be back for a few days." Rapi explains.

"Well that's a shame, I was hoping all of us could have breakfast together, but at least you three are here." you reply while munching on some toast.

After you finish eating you hear an entry request coming from the front door, strange, who could possibly want to see you so early in the morning?

You open the entrance doors to reveal three people waiting for you, a very short woman with very light white and purple business attire and an impatient expression, a much taller woman dressed in shiny revealing latex wear, and an average height pink haired girl in a white school uniform wielding a whip and rocket launcher. You aren't even given a second to react until the shortest woman speaks with condescending vitriol.

"Well about damn time! I've been trying to get in contact with you all day yesterday and no one even bothers to give me a follow up! I even took the liberty of gracing this dump with my own free time to find no one waiting for me in this trash hea...

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"Well about damn time! I've been trying to get in contact with you all day yesterday and no one even bothers to give me a follow up! I even took the liberty of gracing this dump with my own free time to find no one waiting for me in this trash heap you call a base!" she spites. You let out a hefty groan before looking down at her.

"I'm sorry who are you? I don't recall anyone trying to reach me yesterday, perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else." you reply. The short woman bore an even more irate expression before aggressively gripping the bottom of your shirt.

"What? How the hell could you possibly not know who I AM?" the woman mockingly asserts, she turns her attention to Neon for something.

"You, scrap-heap, tell your dunderhead of a commander who I am right this instant! What kind of utter garbage is the military academy churning out these days?" the woman mockingly demands.

Neon turns to you before sighing, "Commander, this is Syuen, she's the CEO of Misillis Industry, making her one of the big three Nikke manufacturers that serves the Ark." You look back at Syuen still unsure.

"Oh, right! Sorry, still got no clue who you are? If you're a kid pretending to be a CEO then you got the hostile demeanor down pat, good on you!" you say with full seriousness as Syuen's expression somehow becomes even redder and more furious.

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