Chapter 8 - The Tunnel Monster From Hell

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


Quickly you spring out of the sewer and take the time to get readjusted to being in an open space where scent can spread easily, "God, this is so NOT what I had in mind when I took this job!" you complain before taking a look around.

Taking a glance around the room and notice a bulletin board next to the metal door, on it you saw a map of the facility next to several notices and project notes.

"Looks like this place was being built in several phases near the first rapture invasions, it appears the people in charge were able to complete the power generation systems before they could stop making extra power storage units further underground. According to this last memento they were in the midst of expanding downwards before the raptures came, the extra rooms were never completed but the dig out areas still exist." you conclude.

Neon took out what looked to be a small camera outside of her satchel before turning to you, "Commander, what exactly are we looking for?" she asks.

"Just some pictures of the remaining equipment, I guess Andersen wants to know if this place can be salvaged for-"



Various noises interrupted your explanation as everyone stood on guard.

"What the hell was that?! Do you think we might not be alone here?" Anis asks in fear.

"It's more than a possibility, commander. I advise that you stay close and don't make any noise, I have a bad feeling about this." warns Rapi.

Heading out of the small room, your group stealthily follows the signs that lead further inside to the electrical generators, along the way you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched, and swore you could keep hearing things knocking within the walls.

Soon your squad finds a hallway that opens up to a large industrial bridge high above the open area below. Everyone ducks behind a nearby wall before you peer around to check what lay ahead.

In the open area below you see numerous rows of electrical generators somehow buzzing with life, the sheer amount stuns you in complete disbelief. 'Forget 2 months, this place could keep the Ark going for another year! Now I need to do is take some pictures and-'




To your surprise and horror a rapture shows itself emerging from behind one of the generators, then another, and another, and another until the entire floor is swarming with the indignant creatures.

They all walk slowly away from your location and they haven't seemed to notice your presence yet, quietly you hand signal for your team to get back and they hastily move away from the bridge.

"Bad news, this place is teeming with raptures, I don't know how but they're somehow operating the equipment here, I guess that explains how this place has kept going for so long and why the maglev tracks were still working." you whisper.

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