Chapter 29 - The Hunting Grounds

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Author's Note: This was a big one, I think this should be the longest chapter so far in terms of sheer word count if I'm not mistaken which is why it took quite a while to get out. I'm almost about to go back to school soon so I may be able to post one last chapter before updates slow way down, I'll post an announcement sometime later with more information.

Extra Note: In case anyone missed it, I posted an announcement about adding a Nikke from liberation into the harem later. If you haven't voted, please let me know if you'd like to see Sin, Guilty, or Quency join the commander soon. Don't worry if your choice doesn't win, they'll just be added much later.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"Urgh..." You wake up with an aching sensation pulsating throughout your head. The last thing you could remember was having a conversation with your Nikkes before everything went black. The pain makes the task of getting up a herculean effort, requiring even more energy than usual to stumble out of your stupor. 

Eventually, your eyes begin to flutter as a faint light starts to break into your vision. Despite your current condition, you realize something was amiss. The sky was very dark but it didn't appear to be natural in the slightest. 

"Commander!" A familiar voice calls out to you in the distance as you hear footsteps sprinting closer. Rapi notices that you're finally awake and helps you stand up to a more stable position, clasping one of your arms over her shoulders. 

"Commander, are you hurt? Can you hear me?" the experienced Nikke questions in an attempt to quickly assess your current condition. 

"...Y-yeah, for the most part. But forget about me, where the hell are we?" you inquire as you finally get a better view of your surroundings. Straight away you could tell you were no longer in the deserted town that hosted the battle with the Harvester. 

Rather, you found yourself gazing into the dark underbelly of a long forgotten battlefield. The sky was nowhere to be seen, whatever roof or ceiling rested above you prevented any natural sunlight from breaking through. 

"Situation report. We recently engaged in combat with a tyrant class rapture known as the Harvester. Once the enemy was defeated, the commander was temporarily knocked out by a piece of falling debris. Afterwards the ground gave way resulting in everyone falling into what appears to be some kind of underground base." Rapi clearly recalls. 

"I see, how is everyone else-" 

"Birdie, you're awake!" 

Laplace interrupts your question by tackling you in for a tight hug. 

"Cutie! How are you feeling?" 

"So slow! Can't you wake up any faster?" 

The rest of Matis soon emerge upon hearing Rapi tending to you. 

"Glad to see everyone's here. How are you all doing?" you ask while returning Laplace's embrace. 

"We actually managed to take that fall pretty well. The only damage we sustained came as a result from protecting you, cutie." Maxwell chips in. 

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now