Chapter 22 - In Firepower We Trust

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Author's Note: It's Neon's turn to finally have her bond story covered. Note that I have made some changes in events so we could meet more Nikkes, but the order should largely be the same so don't expect this to be a one to one retelling. After this I want to wrap up this little vacation arc with the hospital completion so we can spend some time with Seraphim before resuming the main story.

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*








"Alright guys, can you please stop staring at me so intensely? It's making it a little hard to eat!" you request while trying your best to eat breakfast surrounded by 8 laser focused Nikkes. Ever since you got back to the Outpost from your little excursion with Sakura, all of your Nikkes have been on high alert and absolutely unwilling to let you out of their sight.

"Commander, I understand that this may be a little off putting but please understand all of this is being done with your safety in mind." Rapi claims, keeping a steady gaze.

"Well, I can maybe understand if you were escorting me somewhere but why do you have to monitor me like this inside the Outpost?" you press.

"Commander, you were taken away from us because I left you alone on the rail platform! I won't ever let that happen ever again, not when I promised to protect you!" Diesel adds.

"I understand that, but you guys keep standing outside of my shower and insist on watching over me while I sleep in my bedroom!" you retort.

"Commander, someone was able to snatch you while you were at the Outpost. That means not even this place is entirely safe!" Mihara argues.

"Alright, how about this. If I upgrade the security systems around here, will you all stop being so paranoid?" you propose. All your Nikkes look at each other for a moment before Rapi speaks up,

"That would certainly help, commander, but we fear even the most comprehensive security upgrades may not be able to fully cover everything. Therefore, I advise at least one Nikke to remain present with you at all times to ensure proper protection." Rapi asserts.

"...Fine. Actually, how about I learn how to defend myself? That way you guys don't have to-"

"NO!" All your Nikkes stubbornly refuse.

"Commander, your role on the battlefield is to direct Nikkes, not to engage in combat. We all must focus on the roles assigned to us." Brid counters.

"Seriously, is there anything I can do to make you all less worried about me?" you throw out.

"Oh, master, I have an idea!" Neon eagerly announces.

"What is it?"

"Maybe if we find you a new weapon, you can protect yourself better!" Neon asserts with sparkling eyes.

"Neon, the central government is very strict about what weapons people are allowed to own. Even for commanders, the process for registering ownership of a new weapon beyond a standard issue pistol takes quite a while." Rapi explains.

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now