Chapter 10 - Hidden Truths

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Author's Note: Another long chapter this time, don't know how exactly to integrate other bond stories or event stories yet but I'll keep searching .

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


After a good night's sleep, you wake up at exactly 7 o'clock in the morning feeling more refreshed than ever before.

"Man, that was refreshing! Who knew all it took was only several hours of intensive labor to make sleep feel so good!" you jokingly crack.

You go about your usual routine while getting used to the Outpost, doing some stretches and taking a quick shower before dressing up in your military uniform before heading outside. You don't even take one step out of your bedroom before you hear a knock on the double doors leading into your office.

"Commander? Are you awake? I'm sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning but there's something very important that requires your immediate attention." By the tone of voice and word choice you can tell Rapi is waiting on the other side, plus you conclude Anis and Neon don't seem like the types of people who would willingly wake up before noon unless they were forced too.

You open the door to find Rapi waiting for you with her usual stoic expression, she gives you a quick salute before greeting you.

"I apologize for the sudden intrusion of the commander, but there's something you need to be aware of regarding the Outpost. Earlier this morning I decided to look at several of the storage units to take inventory of our supplies. Most of the rooms were empty save for several ammunition cases and heavily expired rations. I fear we may not last much longer with such a bare bone amount of supplies. I recommend you send me out to collect food and other essentials from the Ark so we can sustain ourselves for the time being." Rapi requests.

Although it's a little hard to think right now, you decide to agree with her, but that's when you remember a major problem, "Sure I wouldn't mind that at all, but there are a few things..." you fear telling her.

"Ah, not to worry commander, I'll be sure to bring receipts so you don't have to worry about me pocketing any of the money." Rapi assures.

"Yeah, well... That's the thing..."


"I'm flat broke ;-;" you embarrassingly admit. Rapi looks down for a bit before it hits her.

"Commander, did you submit the operation reports for the missions you've been on before?" Rapi inquires.

"Operation reports?"

"Yes, operation reports. Every commander is required to submit one at the end of every operation, that's how they assess your performance and calculate your final pay. Didn't they teach you about these during your time at the military academy?" Rapi asks further.

"Oh, I thought I officially completed those missions when Shifty gave her reports to Andersen." you admit.

"No, those are different. Operator reports only pertain to specific operators, operation reports are separate documents that commanders are responsible for." Rapi explains.

We Will Protect The Commander [Yandere Nikke Harem x Self-Insert Reader]Where stories live. Discover now