Chapter 23 - A Bad Case Of Loving You

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Author's Note: Time for the best girl from Missilis to finally get her chapter. It was a little hard to add in some newer elements with this particular bond story but I did what I could. Naturally you can expect Mary to be next, and after that I want to get back into the main story before diving into more event or bond stories. Right now I'm also brainstorming ways to potentially add in those little Outpost stories too. If there are any particular ones you'd like to see then please let me know, but no guarantees. Enjoy the chapter!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


"Oh, god! Man, my stomach still hurts!" you curse as you struggle your way through the Outpost. Even though it's been a few days, the pain from your fight with Milk still lingers. 

"Commander, is everything alright? For the past few days you've looked rather troubled." Rapi worryingly asks. 

"Ok, don't get mad but, I may have gotten into a fight with a Nikke while I was helping Neon a few days ago." you admit. 

"Commander, why didn't you inform us of this sooner? You need to get treatment right away!" Rapi scolds as she helps guide you to the command center. 

'Who did this to you, commander? I swear, I'll find them and make sure they'll pay for this!' 

On your way there, however, you see a few people talking near the entrance. Upon closer look it seems Liter was conversing with Seraphim about something, and she notices you prompting everyone to turn around and see your struggling self. 

"Woah, you alright there Greenhorn? You look worse for wear!" she notes. 

"Commander, are you hurt? What happened?" Pepper worries as she helps hold you up. 

"Ok, long story short. I may have gotten into a bit of a scuffle with another Nikke and now my entire midsection has been killing me lately." you admit. 

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound too good. Please, come with us, we should be able to treat you in the recently completed hospital." Mary suggests as she assists Pepper. 

"Oh, the hospital is finally done? That's good to know..." you let out while trying to keep yourself up. 

"Yeah, we just finished it a few days ago and were just wrapping up our conversation before you showed up! I'll let them do their thing while I continue other projects, get well soon, Greenhorn!" Liter explains before heading off. Soon the four of you arrive at the new hospital and Seraphim immediately rush you into an available hospital room. 

"Sit tight, commander. We're going to try and treat you as soon as we can but we're still in the process of adjusting all of our current patients to this new environment. We'll be right back." Mary explains before leaving with Pepper. You're left on the bed with a rather dissatisfied Rapi boring her eyes straight into your soul. 

"Commander, would care to explain how this happened?" she demands in a restrained tone. 

"Ok, so a few days ago when we were looking for the Legendary Gun, we discovered that one of the parts was on the surface-" 

"You went to the SURFACE?" Rapi interrupts, absolutely flabbergasted. 

"Hang on, hang on! It was necessary, one of the parts for that gun was located in a nearby junkyard and we didn't encounter any raptures, so it's all good!" you excuse yourself. 

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