Chapter 7 - Counters, Strike!

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"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*


With a slow thud the surface elevator opened to reveal the tattered remains of the surface. You, Rapi, and Anis slowly walked out in the direction of the power plant, except for Neon who took a bedazzled look at her new surroundings.

"Wow, this is what the surface looks like! It's even better in person!" she excitedly glees before hurriedly catching up with the rest of your group.

"Well try not to get too used to it, we're not here to do some sightseeing and it's best if we don't stay up here for very long." replied Anis.

Soon after hearing some ringing coming out of your commlink, you answer the call to find Shifty waiting on the other line, taking you by complete surprise.

"Can everyone hear me?" Shifty lets out.

"Shifty, what a surprise, I didn't expect to see you again so soon." you reply.

"Well commander, every operation requires an operator to stay in touch with their assigned squad. I just got word from Deputy Chief Andersen that he wanted me to work with you on very short notice, so I wasn't able to get in touch earlier, anyway if you head in the direction of those nearby maglev tracks you should reach the power plant." Shifty explained.

You guide your squad along the maglev tracks, they spread throughout the remains of a large city before you notice a faded out sign with some barely legible text, although you could tell it said "To Electrical Plant" with an arrow pointing away from the large buildings.

You lead your group in the direction of the sign to find your goal, the power plant was there like it had promised, but with one major issue. The power plant was situated on a small island disconnected from the rest of the city, not only that but the only bridge connecting the plant to the mainland was completely destroyed.

"Damn, how are we going to get over there?" cursed Anis.

Taking another look you notice the maglev tracks were still largely intact and they bridged towards the power plant.

"How about we use the maglev tracks to get to the plant, unless we feel like swimming over there I don't see any other option." you suggest.

Shifty meets your idea with a disappointed look, "That would work commander, but I'm afraid those maglev tracks are still operational, meaning a high voltage current is still running through it." she added.

Puzzled, you asked shifty, "How is that possible? I thought this place was abandoned long ago!" Shifty continued, "That's the thing, when the raptures first took over, the current should've been cut off, but somehow it leaked. Considering that the tracks remain operational after all this time, something must've been providing it power." she concluded.

Thinking it over, you think of a work around, "If power is running through the tracks, then there must be some control room intact to manage the flow somewhere." you deduced. "I think you're right commander, I was able to trace the energy signatures coming from the tracks, they all flow back to a single location in the city center! I'm sending you the coordinates now!" added Shifty.

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