Chapter 25 - Back Into The Fray

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Author's Note: Ok not going to lie, this one's going to be a bit of a slower/filler chapter because this is a real slow point in the story, but it's still important so I had to include it one way or another. Don't worry, the next chapter will be a bit more interesting, as you'll soon see. 

Also many thanks for over 1k votes! I never expected you all to enjoy this story so much but if that the case then I'll keep 'em coming!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*




Your tired fist slams firmly on your alarm clock to shut it up as you prepare yourself to get back in the swing of things. 

'Vacation's over, huh? I'm glad I was able to recover in time with a few days to spare but it feels like my ankle is still pretty gimped.' you note as you continue with your morning routine. After a quick wash up in the bathroom you think about what sorts of missions you should go on now that you're cleared to get back in the field and- 

"Oh, so you're awake after all." a familiar neutral voice calls to you upon opening the doors to your office. You rub your eyes to confirm whether what you were seeing was real, and your vision doesn't lie.

Standing there in your office was the last person you expected to see after all this time, Snow White. She stood patiently in front of you before promptly placing a small metal box on your desk. 

"Woah, didn't expect to see you here. I thought you said you wouldn't return to the Ark unless your mission was done." you point out. Snow White sits on your words for a minute before turning her back to you and slowly walking away. 

"...Nothing about that has changed. I don't intend to stay here for very long. I was originally going to leave this behind with a note until you showed up." Snow White dryly explains. 

"Well, I appreciate that a Pilgrim would take the time to meet me personally! Though, what exactly are you giving me?" you question. 

"A small thank you gift to repay you for earlier." Snow White clues in. You pick up her gift to inspect it, and conclude whatever it us must be pretty light, as shaking the box led to a gentle clanging sound. 

"...Also, before I go, there's one more thing I need to check with you." Snow White adds. 

"What is it?" "That heretic girl, I distinctly remember you calling out to her at the end of that battle. Did you know her?" Snow White wonders. 

"...Yeah. She actually used a Nikke that served under me a long time ago. The reason why I was so shocked to see her again was because I killed her after she got corrupted..." you painfully recall. 

"...I see. Then, I believe what I have will be of great interest to you. Get it analyzed. I believe it might contain the answers you're seeking in regards to that girl." Snow White pans. 


'What the- What could possibly be inside this box?! Could something so small really hold the key to dispatching the heretics?!' you jump, wildly theorizing about its contents. Snow White uses your confoundedness with her gift as an opportunity to take her leave, but just before she can walk out the door- 

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