Chapter 33 - Exotic Outsiders

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Author's Note: First round of exams have been killing me but now I finally have more time to write! How'd the Nier collab go for you guys? Hope you got what you wanted and have enough left over for the first anniversary! Anyway, without further ado, enjoy this chapter. I'll see you all in the next one!

"Spoken Words" - 'Thinking' - *Sound Effects*

*I do not own Nikke, or any of the related characters. Nikke is created and owned by SHIFT UP Corporation. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not deriving any financial benefit from this story. All rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP Co.*

*I claim no ownership of any images used in this story. All images belong to their respective owners*



"That should do it..."

A shadowy figure perches over an electrical box after placing a small beeping device beside it. They step back from the box before pulling out a damaged video camera to film something.

"I ask you, are all humans truly equal? After all, we do share much of the same DNA regardless of who we are, where we are, and what we do. Despite all of this, we have created a class system that condemns people into despair for factors completely beyond their control. How is it possible that in a project designed to act as a safeguard for humanity, that we continue to cling onto the same old social order that our ancestors followed? Although all of us live underground, it's only us in the Outer Rim that are forced to toil away in the darkness. In all my time here, I have yet to receive an answer for this simple question. If they won't answer, then I'll just have to make them."


The figure presses a switch that causes the device to beep faster and faster.

"Once the Ark experiences the darkness we face day after day after day, maybe they'll finally understand. If we can't be equal under the light, then surely we can all be equal under the darkness. May the light guide us to heaven."


The recording cuts off as a massive explosion engulfs the Ark in a forceful reckoning.

A few minutes ago in the Outpost...

It's been a few days since your little outing with Marian and the other Counters around the Ark. Fortunately in that time your body has healed for the most part and the pain in your stomach finally subsides. After being cleared for missions again, you start to peruse the available assignments to find a job suitable for everyone.

"Let's see here, that surface transport pays peanuts and the tyrant reconnaissance seems a bit out of my league... *Sigh* Maybe I'll try again tomorrow, I still have plenty of time."


Your phone rings to reveal a message from Andersen.

[Andersen] There's an emergency situation which requires your immediate attention.

[Andersen] Come to my office ASAP.

The message was brief but considering the tone and abruptness of the request, you already knew it had to be big. You leap out of your desk and head over to the military headquarters with all deliberate speed.


"Ah, there you are. Please come in and take a seat." The tall Deputy Commander invites you to sit down with a tone of unease you've never heard from him before.

"What's going on?" Andersen sits down in front of you and clasps his hands together before taking a deep breath.

"There's no other way for me to put this, lately the Ark has been the subject of several terror attacks." Andersen grimly fills in.

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