playdate-demon slayer pt1

280 3 1

modern AU

little: giyuu

c.g: sanemi

little: mitsrui

c.g: shinobu

sanemi's pov

i wake up to see giyuu crying. "hunny whats wrong?" i ask wraping my arms around him. 

"mhm" he says berrying his face in my chest still crying. he was little last night when he fell asleep so hes proboly still little now. 

"can you tell dada whats wrong?" he doesn't seem scered so i dont think he had a nightmere. 


i guess hes non-verbal today so im going to have to figure this out on my own. he has his stuffy so it cant be that. does he want his paci? i reach over to the bedside table to grab his spare paci and put it in his mouth. it helped a little but hes still upset. is he hungry? i sit up and pull him up with me. i check his diaper as i pick him up to take him to the kitchen. the yellow line on the bottom is blue meaning its wet so thats why hes upset. 

i take him back upstairs and lay him down on the changing table. grab him a new diaper and onesie. he has a playdate with mitsuri who is also a little and shinobu is her caregiver. 

giyuu yawns "you still tired bub?" i ask he wines and nods in as a responce. "ok buddy lests go back to bed" i pick him up off the changing table and lie him down on the bed and wrap him up in the blankes. he suggles into them and falls asleep. 

i grab my phone and text shinobu to make sure that the playdate is still on. she responds that yes they are still coming and that they will come around ten thirty. 

ok its seven now so we have quite a while. giyuu will proboly sleep for about another hour or two. so i have plenty of time to make breckfast, preper a few snaks for the two littles and make sure the living room is ready for them to have fun. 

i grab some clouring books, crayons, pencils and texters. i put them all into a tub and take it down to the livingroom and place it on the coffe table. 

after about half an hour i have cooked some chicken nuggets and placed them in the fridge so we can reheat them when we need them. i also cut up some veggie sticks. 

then i start cooking breckfast. i know giyuu wont eat much since he will be a little norvous for the play date. so i just make him tost and a bottle that i can heat up when hes awake.

i head back upstairs to have a shower and get changed. once im done i wake up giyuu.

"hey morning" i say gently shaking him awake. he hums as he opens his eyes and makes grabby hands at me. so i pick him up. "are you hungry buddy?" i ask. he nods and i carry him down stairs. i set him in his high chair and put his bottle in the the micowave to heat it up. 

once its done i grab it out and hand it to him. he struggles so i help him gide it to his mouth. once hes finished his bottle i place the plate in front of him. and start to feed it to him.

just as hes finished his breckfast. there is a knock on the door. giyuus face lights up. "you excited for your playdate bud"

"mhm" he nods excitedly. 

i carry him ovver to the door and open it. mitsuri jumps excitedly standing next to shinobu 

"hey how are you" i ask

"im doing good and mitsuri is verry excited how are you two"

"were good giyuus pretty excited as well"


ok so first two pater but yeah 

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