forgotten password - harry potter

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im going to start putting images of their pacis and stuffys and the other stuff in. 


little: harry

cg: draco

tw  brakedown and crying mention of abuse tw before parts

harrys pov:

im really tired. its the christmas holidays and i havent been able to get away from ron and hermione. and along with that i havent been able to regress and i really need to. ive been getting closer evey second to having a brakedown. 

i told draco id meet him in the slytherin common room in five muinets. since hes the only slytherin staying for the christmas brake we should be fine. and he has most of my little stuff anyway. minus one of my pacis and my lion stuff that i have with me now. ron and hermione dont know that im a little or that im dating draco. im really scared that they might find out. 

his stuffy:

tw for brakedown start

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tw for brakedown start

i get to the entrance to the slytherin common room. but i cant remember the password. i feel  the tears welling up in my eyes. i try to push it back down but i cant.

dracos pov: 

harry should have gotten here a while ago. im going to go look for him. i exit the common room only to see harry curled up on the floor cluching his tightly and hes balling. "hey hey" i say softly moving to sit next to him "whats wrong". he doesnt reply he just moves to sit in my lap and grips onto my shit. he tucks his head into the crook of my neck. then he says quietly "dun know pass-word i sowry" (dont know password im sorry)

"its ok you dont have to be sorry" 

tw mention of abuse start

he starts crying harder "i sowy i sowy pwees don hert me". (im sorrry im sorry please dont hurt me) damn the dursleys this is all their fault. now harrys terrifided of messing up in any way even if its small and doesnt really matter.

"shh shh its ok im here now" i rub his back and he calms down a bit. "no ones going to hurt you" i dont want any one to see us since that will probobly make this worse for him. so i pick him up and take him into the common room. "how old are you baby/" i ask he holds up one finger.  "do you want your paci?" i ask. he nods. his head still tucked into my neck. 

tw for brakedown end

tw mention of abuse end

i carry him up to my dorm and place him down on my bed. he starts harder crying once i put him down. "its ok im not going anywhere" i say as i grab his box of little stuff from my closet. i grab out his red pacis and gently slide into his mouth. he seems a bit happier now.  "do you want me to change you into something comfyer?" i ask he nods so i grab out a red onesie and change him into it.

his paci:

his onsie:

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his onsie:

i wrap him in a blanket then pick him back up and hold him close to my chest

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i wrap him in a blanket then pick him back up and hold him close to my chest. i summon a house elf to get him a warm bottle and some chese and crackers. 'alright bud what do you want to do?" 

"wead story pwees" (read story please)

"sure which one do you want me to read you" i grab a few picture books out of his box and hold them out infront of him. harry picks one just as the house elf arives back with the sncaks and bottle. 

"fank yoo" (thank you) harry said

"thanks" draco took the bottle and the plate of chese and crakers from the elf. 

"its my plesure sirs" the elf squeeked back before disapering. 

"ok bottle first then ill read you story" i say placing the plate down on the bed next on me. 

i gently pull his paci out of his mouth and replace it with the bottle. after finishing the bottle harry and i settle into bed and i grab the book. 

i finish reading the first book. while harry is snacking on the chese and crackers. "do you want me to read another book" i ask since he doesnt seem tierd yet. harry picks another book and i start reading it and within a few short minets harrys leaning on sholder and is starting to fall asleep. i move so where lying down. harry snuggles into my chest and falls asleep. soon i fall asleep aswell. lisening to the faint  sound of harry sucking on his paci. 

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