the dark-demon slayer

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little: giyuu

cg: sanemi, iguro

tw: nyctophobia (extreme fear of the dark) and panic attack

giyuu hates the dark. he really really hates it. it terrifes him. the unknown, not being able to see anything not kowing if anything was there. he panic if he finds himself in the dark and there isint anything anyone could do to calm him down exept turn the lights on or find somewhere light and stay with him untill he calms down. 

no ones pov:

giyuu woke up late one night. the room was pitch black. he ushaly had a night light but it wasnt on. he felt his bereathing become fast and shakey. he curled up into a ball as hot tears started rolling down his face. 

sanemis pov:

i wake up to the sound of crying and the feeling of giyuu shaking on the bed next to me. "yuu whats wrong" he doesnt reply so i sit up and rub my eyes not being able to see anything because its so dark. then it hits me its really dark. i lean over to the side table and fubmble around and try and turn on the night light but it doesnt turn on. 

"daddy" he cries as he grips on to my shirt and tuck his face into my sholder. i pull him into my lap and rub his back. I shuffle further onto the bed and elbow iguro. "wake up" i hiss at him

"what?" he says sleeply 

"turn on the lights" 

he opens his eyes. realiesing its dark and whats happening. he quickly jumps out of bed and runns over to the lights and turns them on. before he hurrys back to the bed and grabs giyuus paci from the side table and grabs his stuffy from the floor. he slides giyuus paci into his mouth and hands him his stuffy. he sits next to us and slowly runs his fingers through giyuus hair. after a while giyuu clams down and his breathing returns to normal. 

"feeling better baby" i ask he nods his head still tucked into my neck. "do you want a bottle?" he nods again. i hand giyuu over to iguro then get up and go to the kitchen to make him a bottle. 

iguros pov:

giyuu snuggles into my chest and i start to rub his back. i wonder why the lights wernt on. we always always always have a night light on. i make sure its on before i go to bed and i know sanemi does the same.

giyuu starts tugging on my shirt pulling me out of my thoughts. "what is it bud?"

"tange p-please"

"okay bud lets do that" i say. he proberly wants to wear little clothes since he wasnt in little space when we went to bed last night. i pick him up and take him over to the closet.  

i grab out one of his favrite onesies. is a blue fox with white detailing. "do you wanna wear this one?"

"des pwees dada"

i take him over to the changing table and grab him a diaper and change him. just as i finish changing him sanemi comes back into the room with giyuus bottle. "daddy" giyuu made grabby hands at sanemi. i pick him up and try to hand him to sanemi but he has a firm grip on my shirt but still getting close enough sanemi to do the same to him. 

"i think he wants both of us to hold him" i say

"yeah we should sit down" 

we sit on the bed and mange to get giyuu to let go of sanemis shirt and sit in my lap as sanemi feeds him his bottle. after finishing his bottle giyuu almost emedietly falls asleep. we settle him back into bed and both cuddle him.

"we can figure out what is up with the light tomrow" sanemi wispers half asleep

"yeah" i reply

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