falling over-heartstopper

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little: charlie

cg: nick

nicks pov:

it nearing the end of friday. charlie is coming over to my house for a sleepover tonight. i know hes had a bad week and really needs to regress. as the last bell rings i get up quickly and head to where charlies class is. when i arive hes just finished packing up his things. he smiles a little when he sees me. 

"hi" he says quietly

"hi" i reply "let me take that" i take his pensil case and bag from him

"thanks" he says. 

charlie stumbles and falls on to the foot path. i quickly kneal down next to him and pull him up to his feet. hes crying now. i help him over to a bench and hug him. "can i check your knees" i ask in what i hope is a calming tone. he nods so kneal on the ground on front of the bench. there is a little  blood on his trousers so i carefully roll up his pant-legs. his knees are cut and bleeding a little i grab two bandiads out of my bag and place them his knees. there really isnt anything more i can do at the moment. i sit back on the bench next to him. and grab my bag. i pull out a paci lolly pop thing.

(this is what im talking about if you can get thase they are great if you are little while in public if you dont want to use an acual paci)

(this is what im talking about if you can get thase they are great if you are little while in public if you dont want to use an acual paci)

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i place one in charlies mouth and it seems to chear him up a bit

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i place one in charlies mouth and it seems to chear him up a bit. i pull him into my lap and he tucks his head into my neck "im ganna call my mum to come and pick us up ok" i say pulling out my phone and calling my mum. 

"alright she says shes coming" i say now im off the phone and am not distrated anymore i feel that the coller of my shirt is wet. and i hear charlie is sniffling a bit. "hey char whats wrong" me asking that only makes him cry even harder. i rub circles on his back. 

charlies still crying when mum arives. i can see shes a bit worried about charlie as we get into the car. 

"is everything alright?" she asks. i shake my head. i buckle charlie into the middle seat and he curls into a ball. i get into the car and close the door.

once we get back to my house i pick charlie up and take him up to my room and sit him down on my bed. hes calmed down mostly now. i grab out his little stuff from a box in my cupbord. "do you want your paci?" i ask he nods so i swich out the lolly paci which hes almost finished with his real one. "can i change you into something more comfy?" i ask he nods sleeply. i dont think hes going to be talking much this weekend. but thats ok. as long as hes happy everything will be fine. i get him changed into one of my shirts and one of my jumpers. that always makes him feel at least a bit better. i also grab him a pair of shorts that he left at my house a while ago. after helping him get changed i quickly change into comfier clothes as well. 

just as i finish getting changed nellie comes into my room. she jumps up onto my bed and licks charlie on the face. i turn around to get her off him. thinking it might upset him. but charlies giggling and petting nellie as shes licking him. 

i walk over to my bedside table and grab my laptop then lie down on the bed next to them. "do you wanna watch cartoons?" i ask making charlie nod excitedly. i put on voltron which is one of our favorite shows to watch together. (did i just put voltron as the show because it is one of my fravorite shows but it was the only show i colud think of.)

after a while we both fall asleep. 

so i wrote this in like two hours so its really short but heartstopper season two just realesed and im really happy and also sad because its going to be a bit sad with the beginigs of us seeing chrlies ed and stuff. but anyways thanks for reading.

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