uzui's baby boy demon slayer

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little: giyuu

cg: uzui

tw mention of diapers and messing diaper. tw will be before the part. 

morden au. but its basicly the same they just have devices and apliances 

no ones pov

as the hashira counsel was comming to an end. giyuu was getting more and more fidgety. he really needed to regress. he'd had a terribe day. nothing had gone right for him. uzui had noticed that giyuu needed to regress.

once the counsel had ended and the other hasira had left giyuu was still siting there fidgeting and fighting his headspace. uzui walked over to him humming giyuus favroite lullaby. making it harder and harder for giyuu not to regress. uzui making sure no one was looking picked giyuu up cradling him in his arms. it became to much for him and giyuu started to regress.

"how old are you?" uzui asked quietly. giyuu looked up at him and held up one finger then snuggles into uzui's chest. uzui smiles and carys giyuu back to his house. once they arived at the house uzui took giyuu into his bedroom. he laid giyuu down on the bed, he grabbed giyuu's favorite stuffy wich was a white fox with light pink and tan accsents. and gave it to him to play with. he then walked over to the closet. 

!mention of diaper start!

he got out a blue onesie with flower patterns on it, a blue paci and a diaper. he walked back over to the bed and changed giyuu in to the diaper and onesie. 

!mention of diaper end!

"m hwrunwy" (im hungry) giyuu said making a grabby hand at his boyfriend still cudling his stuffy in the other. 

uzui smiled, poceted giyuu's paci knowing that he'd need it later then picked up his little. when giyuu was in a little headspace he was prone to having meltdowns if he felt uncomftable or something sceared him or if something didn't go right. so uzui always had little things with him like wrings, beads bits of fabfric and lots of other little trinkets. to destract and cher him up if something upset him. which was more than likely to happen.

with one hand giyuu grabed onto uzui's shirt and held tightly on to his stuffy with the other. uzui carried giyuu into the kitchen. knowing he was going to be clingy. uzui put giyuu down on the counter. "do you want a warm bottle?" uzui asked his little. 

"da pwes" (yes please). 

"ok then" uzui walked over to a cupbord and took out a bottle with little stars and moons on it. he pored milk into the bottle and put a little coco powder, vinila and sugar in and mixed it with the milk. he warmed up the milk in the microwave. once it was done he took the milk out of the microwave then picked up giyuu and took him to the living room.  "do you want to watch something" uzui asked once giyuu was settled in his lap. 

"des" (yes) giyuu responded. uzui put netflix on she-ra and the prinsesses of power. one of giyuus favorite shows. he then handed giyuu his bottle. giyuu was strugleing a little with gideing the bottle to his mouth and holding it. so uzui helped him place the rubbler niple in his mouth. and held it there for him. 

a while after giyuu had finished his bottle and was watching tv. uzui noticed giyuu was starting to squirm around a little. "giyuu do you need to use thebathroom?" he asked. to which giyuu shook his head. uzui could tell he was lying. but he was wearing a diaper so it didn't matter. giyuu moved out of uzui lap and over to the end of the couch where there was a pile of pillows that he sat in. "do you want your paci?" uzui asked. 

"des pwees daddy" (yes please daddy) uzui placed giyuus paci in his mouth. 

!useage of diaper start!

after a while giyuu was starting to really really need to go. he started rocking himself back and forth. "giyuu do you need to use the bathroom?" uzui asked again. giyuu shook his head as a responce again. uzui knowing what what up with giyuu and that he was lying. moved toword him and pulled him into his lap. the movement made it harder for giyuu not to use his diaper. 

he had only just become comferatble using his diaper for number one's around uzui and leting him change him. so he defenetly didn't want to mess his diaper around him. knowing he would clean and change him after. uzui was all for taking on the caregiver roll for giyuu. but it still worried giyuu a little that uzui might tell the other hashira about him being a little. it wasn't that he didn't trust his boyfriend. no he was just paranoied. 

uzui tickled giyuu's tummy making him giggle and relax just enough that he messed his diaper. uzui felt the warmth coming from giyuus now full diaper and smiled knowing he sucseeded.

"looks like someone made a little mess" uzui said ruffling giyuu's hair.  "do you still need to go" giyuu nodded so uzui moved him so giyuu was sitting on the floor. he messed his diaper even more. he wet his diaper as well. uzui noticed a wet patch on the front of giyuu's onesie. was his diaper was leaking? it didn't matter he'd just give him bath.

a few muniets later when uzui was sure giyuu was finished. he picked him up. and took him to the bathroom. he sat giyuu down on the floor and pulled out a draw from the bottom of the cubnet full of water toys so he could pick out toys to play with while he was in the bath. 

once giyuu had finished with his bath uzui changed him into a new diaper and a pantless light green onsie and long light yellow socks with stars on them. he tickled him. making giyuu giggle and wriggle around on the floor. 

!usage of diaper end!

"feel better now?" uzui asked

"da phank dou daddy" (yes thank you daddy)

"that's good" uzui picked giyuu up and carried him back to his room and lay him down on the bed. "i'll get you another bottle wait here ok baby" uzui left the room and returnd a few munites later with a bottle of warm milk for his little. to find giyuu curld up in the middle of the bed fast asleep. uzui got into bed with his boyfrirend and wraped his arms around him and soon fell asleep himself. 

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